Remove the "You can't use that emote" message

This post regards a recently-added feature that I feel was added with zero thought put into how it would affect existing games.
It shows up if you use an “/e …” command and a default emote does not exist for it.

It’s bad practice to fork default character scripts, as if they are updated you won’t automatically receive that update which can introduce bugs.
However, doing so is the only way to prevent the “You can’t use that emote” message.

The message is worse than useless.
It’s useless, because it’s very obvious if you can’t use an emote. Your character simply doesn’t do the emote.
It’s worse than useless because it ignores that a lot of large games will have a different set of emotes, making the message frequently wrong.

A game may have an emote script that listens for certain “/e …” messages and makes your character do a custom emote.
You type in /e dab, a “You can’t use that emote” message appears, but your character starts dabbing anyway.
This is very annoying.

Also, some developers block default emotes while selling their own emotes.
You type in /e dance, no “You can’t use that emote” message appears, but your character doesn’t start dancing.
This isn’t annoying, but I can see how it can be confusing when you usually have a message telling you if you can’t use an emote.

Making this message even more pointless is that the new emote system in the works makes it redundant. People won’t even be using text commands for default emotes, which means this message will only show up for the sake of annoying people using custom emotes.


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