Once again a post about the ever dwindling #discussion category.
On the first day of Christmas the dev forum gave to me: One bad decision
On the second day of Christmas the dev forum gave to me: Two line posts
On the third day of Christmas the dev forum gave to me: Roblox discussion posts (Today)
Don’t judge my epic music skills im tired ok
Today ive been noticing a huge incline in the amount of topics directly relating to just general roblox discussion, despite the fact discussion has the simplest description of all categories stating ‘For discussing the art of making things on roblox’ Not ‘Talk about roblox’.
Not only is this a violation of the category guidelines but it seems to be contributing to the mentality of following your friends of the cliff face, with many members making roblox discussion posts, well, ‘Because everyone else was doing it’.
This is once again bringing up the issue of there being many posts in #discussion that are blatant duplicates of posts in #lounge:roblox-discussion, intact at this point they are basically being used for the same purpose with the exception that one is locked from members. Im also interested if we are allowed to flag posts in discussion for being duplicates of posts in lounge?
There really needs to be some hard rule enforcement on discussion, since every day someone finds a way to once again use the category for everything other then its intended purpose, why don’t we just call it ‘the other category’ at this point and let members post what they please.
Therefor I feel it is necessary to rename the category to development discussion, just in the bitter hope that maybe at least one person may read the cartagory title and question if their post is about development.
@TheCarbyneUniverse said this 10x better then me, I recommend you read everything he had to say too:
Edit: just was looking at a flagged post and saw @sjr04 suggested this 3 days ago in a reply briefly, this post was not based at all of that reply but would still like to give credit where it’s due