Re:Notify | Simple & Clean Notifications Framework

Pushed version V1.3

→ Made the module support Redefine:A5 (or R:ALite if the idea comes along) by making the notifications go through it.

→ Type fix for Notification.Type = string? to Notification.Type = ("normal"|"warning"|"warn"|"error"|"critical")?.

Requested module experienced an error while loading.

local Notify = require(15700220413);

Could you provide the direct error? It should appear above the one you mentioned. (Preferably in a private message as to not bloat the thread)

Version V1.3A

→ Fixed an oopsie ( @devmarissa )

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I recommend including the actual module link for users to get, since requiring it by ID doesn’t work in the client and has a higher chance to fail


I second this. OP could use Packages to achieve the behavior of require(id).


The module was intended to be a server-side framework allowing to send notifications directly from the server and get a response from the client.

I’ll add a client-side option later though as per the suggestion, but you will not be able to see what the client responds to such notifications in order to keep the server-side secure from remote spamming.

edit: I posted a direct link for the module for now

@PhoenixRessusection I will look into the Packages feature, I am familiar with it but never got to actually use it.

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Sorry, if this is considered necro-posting, but I want to remove the credits premade into the module and put it into my credit system (will do the same job).

You can fork the module and remove the credits in the LocalScript.

Hi, just updating the thread real quick to show that I’m working on a V2 of the framework so it can be a standalone product as well.

Currently, it can have;



Quick Input

Everything together if you want to for some reason

idek anymore

tl;dr; V2 is going to have far more customization, more opportunities for developers, and cool new features V1 didn’t have. (yes, that means you’ll be able to use it client-sided without depending on the server too.)


How is it going? I can’t wait to use it in my game.

So far it’s going fine.

I am waiting for a certain Roblox feature to get out of beta so I can release the new version without any quirks.

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Sounds great! Is there a ETA on it?

Nope, sadly it depends on Roblox themselves to release the feature.

gotta wait til early 2025 for that! :pensive:

Can anyone give me an example piece of code that I can put in the client to notify the player just saying “Sample Text” with a timeout of 7? I’m struggling to get it working.

local Notification = ReNotify( Player , "Sample Text" , {Timeout = 7} );

You can’t use the module for the client-side unless you modify the code.

Oh okay, how would I be able to put it into a server script then that notifies all players?

ReNotify.RemoteEvent:FireAllClients("Sample Text" , {Timeout = 7} );
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That doesn’t work. Am I ment to parse a value through it?