Reparenting accessories and tools on client replicates to server, ignoring CanBeDropped

So I’ve recently received screenshots of my game being ‘decorated’ with tons of dropped accessories, despite of FE.

Example screenshot

I figured that running code on the client which reparents an accessory from the own character into the workspace would be replicated by the server. Furthermore, the server makes the accessory’s handle collidable so it would not fall through the floor.

This has been reproduced on an entirely blank place with this given local StarterCharacterScript.

for i,p in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if p:IsA("Accessory") then
	p.Parent = workspace
end end

After the accessories have dropped, I’m able to pick up up to one of them, as intentional.

Testing place screenshot


This has been around for a while, it’s nothing new. If I remember correctly it has something to do with the old hat dropping mechanic, I’m not entirely sure why this behaviour still exists.

It’s not too hard to patch yourself though.

I’m pretty sure this is intentional.

Post: Removing Accessory Dropping Key Shortcut

Yeah, I know about the old feature. I already wrote my own patch for it which would remove accessories from the ground if they’re not picked up within 60 seconds.

Never saw someone exploiting this more or less ‘bug’ though, and since the hotkey feature has been removed long ago, this could be patched up imo. I think it’s better to not give exploiters this ability and to leave implementing the replication of this to game developers, in case they’d want to maintain this feature.

I think I shouldn’t have made that guarantee in the past. While that was always the case for Accessories and Tools we might need to change the replication rules if it’s a problem.

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This happened in my game a few days ago. I joined a server and found the workspace inexplicably littered with thousands of hairs fhat had been copied over and over again with the ingame build tool.

Different issue apparently.

My game’s not made public yet, but this exploit would ruin an entire server if used on me.

It may be a long shot, but if it happens to be this particular hair;

It does not have its ‘locked’ property set to true, unlike all other accessories. Build tools can freely copy it.

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That shouldn’t have been the problem since I run a script that locks the character automatically when they spawn, but yes it’s the same hair lol.

Can somebody please make sure all accessories are locked for god’s sake.

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Just got tons of reports of someone joining servers and using exploits to keep spawning theirself in and dropping their hats. This would over time cause the servers to either be super laggy or crash. I think this should be addressed. I’ve implemented a fix for it now that I know about it, but other devs may not know how & frankly shouldn’t have to.

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