Reparenting an NPC with Accessories makes the Accessories 'explode'

Describe the bug. Describe what is happening when the bug occurs. Describe what you would normally expect to occur.

Reparenting an NPC with Accessories makes the Accessories “explode”.

How often does the bug happen (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)? What are the steps that reproduce the bug?

Every time. You can reproduce by clicking Play Solo, copying your character in workspace (I do so without the scripts selected), and stopping the Play Solo session. Then I would paste into workspace (which will glitch the workspace because a humanoid is a direct descendant but since all the objects are selected you can just right click and select group (or press Ctrl+G) to make it an npc model.) All is fine UNTIL you re-parent that model to lets say you made an NPC folder. That’s when all the hats ‘explode’. See before and after image:

I did find a temporary fix however. If you move all the hat ‘handle’ parts out of the Accessory object, you can then re-parent the NPC anywhere you want without this ‘explode’ effect happening. As seen here:

When did the bug start happening? If we can tie it to a specific release that helps us figure out what we broke.

I have had this issue every time I deal with NPC’s with hats. Even back before Accoutrements were a thing and the object was just called “Hat”. I have been removing those objects by moving the ‘handles’ out of them to fix this issue, but this just doesn’t seem like something we should have to be doing.

So in conclusion, it would be awesome if this ‘explode’ effect didn’t happen. It also happens regardless if the hats are anchored or not, or cancollide is true or false.


Sorry to bump this, but I think this bug has been patched.
Tested this with R6 and R15; could not reproduce.