Outdated Game Sorts Link
As most of you know, the Developer Hub is deprecated in favor or the new documentation at create.roblox.com/docs .
I found a link on the FAQ Page that leads to a DevHub Article; specifically the Game Sorts link:
Now that there is a new copy of the article on the new Creator Documentation, I feel like it would be better fit for the link to lead to the new Article on the Creator Docs instead of the old one on the Developer Hub.
Outdated Collaborate Link
If you click on “Collaborate”, it will lead to the Collaboration Category which has been shutdown.
I recommend that the link should be replaced with talent.roblox.com since the Talent Hub is now the official supported place to find work.
Replace the Game Sorts link on the DevForum FAQ Page with the new article on the Creator Documentation instead of the outdated article on the deprecated Developer Hub.
Replace the Collaborate Link on the DevForum FAQ Page with talent.roblox.com instead of the outdated Collaboration Category.
For convenience, I will paste both the old and new article links below for the Game Sorts link to replace:
New Article Link (The One to Replace on the DevForum FAQ Page)