Replacer v1.1.1: Roblox Text Shortcut Replacements Plugin

so show me how its doing it

I already showed you, but hereā€™s the official announcement for it:


Itā€™s the complete opposite. You are refusing to accept feedback.
We as experienced developers are trying to show you the correct way of doing certain things here. We are not your enemy.

Please read the string documentation as it already provides certain methods for string manipulation.
And Luau has a new feature on string interpolation that allows you to directly create a string literal with expressions inside of it.


If you think this module is better, then we need a comparison that you havenā€™t provided.
You are only saying ā€œIt really doesnā€™t do the same thingā€ then what does it do?

Tbh `Player: {player.Name}` is way easier than your module, I donā€™t wanna waste my server memory by importing your module, If you can prove that this module is actually useful then go on!


i used name generator

DeepL translator is better! :smiley: but only supports few languages :frowning:

DeepL doesnā€™t support hebrew unfortunately :confused:

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what do you mean by ā€œname generatorā€?

It means he used a name generator for his Roblox account.

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-- THIS WAY (107 letters)

local rep = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Replacer)

print(rep:Txt("hi, %plr%, you have: %plr_fps% fps!"))

-- THE OTHER WAY (301 letters)

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local function updateFPS(v)
	while wait(0.02) do
		local FPS = 1 / RunService.RenderStepped:Wait()
		return tostring(math.round(FPS))

local fps = updateFPS()

print(`hi, {plr.Name}, you have: {fps} fps!`)

If it wasnā€™t 100 Robux, maybe someone would actually download this.

This plugin is effectively interpolation, and considering what Iā€™ve seen so far, I donā€™t know quite why anyone would check it out for 100 Robux.

Iā€™m not saying that this plugin canā€™t improve though, if you add more functions, I think it would be more worth it.

Edit: Actually, some of the functions are quite useful, I think it would have helped you if you had used better examples in the video, because they are extremely basic examples unfortunately.


Is this plugin just a copy of string.format?


yes it is, but there is string interpolation too

im also working on new things like this:

local rep = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Replacer)

print(rep:Txt("%random_word% %random_word%"))

it is have more then 20000 words
and its also filtered


  • dermoid

  • flagpoles

In your Quest AI post, you didnā€™t filter the responses but then added the filter

also i forgot i was on the serbian keyboard

Using ChatGPT is not going to help your argument, itā€™s just going to make the situation worse.

And plus, the Roblox Terms of Use generally doesnā€™t apply to a certain extent on DevForum, posts can be taken down if theyā€™re not that useful and theyā€™re in this category (if a plugin isnā€™t that useful, use Creations Feedback).

I think personally that this plugin is useful to the right person anyways.

Nobody is sharing your code here, donā€™t use ChatGPT, itā€™s not helping you.

Sharing code is like what people on a hacking forum did to my friends plugins.

Am I dumb or did I think string interpolation meant like:

TextBox.Text = "Hello, " .. username .. ". How are you?"

-- Username is a variable in this case

Yeah, oops.


I really donā€™t need to be linked to a post Iā€™ve already read.

@Vanniris is not breaking any rules on this forum. Terms of Use doesnā€™t really apply here.


Me: the roblox rules are applyed on roblox devfourm too?

Yes, the rules that apply to Roblox as a platform generally also apply to its community spaces, including the Developer Forum. The Developer Forum is a place where Roblox developers can share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate, and itā€™s meant to be a respectful and professional space.

the Developer Forum has its own specific rules and guidelines, which generally align with Robloxā€™s broader rules and guidelines but also include more specific rules applicable to a professional forum setting.

ChatGPT is wrong, the roblox rules doesnā€™t apply to the devforums, for example, in roblox, swearing is allowed nowhere, but in devforums, you are allowed to swear in private categories


sorry, i dont really understand why you keep making a useless or underrated resources.