I am trying to make a report system (that goes to trello) for my upcoming game. Right now everything works but when I try to submit the request it keeps giving me an error "HTTP 401 (Unauthorized). I have looked on youtube and looked around the developer forum for ways I can fix this error. Can anybody help?
game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ReportUser.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Reporter, Requested, Reason)
local data = {
["name"] = "Ban Report - "..tostring(Reporter),
["desc"] = tostring(Reporter).." has requested to have action taken against this person: "..tostring(Requested).." because: "..tostring(Reason),
["key"] = "",
["token"] = "",
["pos"] = "bottom",
["idlist"] = "63b8a5dcf328d800f315ad8f"
data = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
HttpService:PostAsync(link, data)
On the API-Key Page, scroll down until you see “create token manually”. Press on it and let Trello generate a token for you. You should get a page that looks like the following:
Copy your token and insert it into this following link:
On the API-Key page I have linked (https://trello.com/app-key), there should be a text saying you can generate your token manually. It should look like following:
Press on the underlined “token”. This should create a token for you.
Paste the token you then received into the link that you send the data to.