Reputation System

Then they make one

The devforum rules don’t say scamming is a punishable offense – use Roblox support

It’s just another statistic that users will feel encouraged to farm, and what if someone has a “low” reputation, it would be basically naming and shaming these users. Not cool


The devforum isn’t a dedicated marketplace. It’s a place for developers to come together to learn and help others about all things Roblox related to development. Your suggestion is way beyond the scope of things here.


Why would a scammer make a portfolio?

If they terminate the scammer, then the scammer can’t use DevForums to scam others

A scammer isn’t going to put on their portfolio “hey guys im scamr XDXDXD”

Unfortunately alting exists


Reputation is important regardless of community, DevForum is no different, especially with the #collaboration category, though this is just my opinion

Why would they even need a portfolio? When I meant by scamming, is that the scammer is the customer and they scam the person that they would’ve commissioned. Being a commissioning scammer is harder as they would need to have a development portfolio and thus, people can call them out there

Calling out users is against the rules here, so no, that rule is not and should not be changed. Just use the proper channels, in other words Roblox support.

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What I meant is that they warn others to not trust the user for commissions and working for them if you are the commissioner

Which is still under the definition of calling out users

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Adding a reputation system only makes things more complicated and this is something DevRel has been avoiding ever since. They’ve also made recent changes such as removing certain avatar flairs, titles and groups to remove a false sense of authority. If you’ve been here long enough, you must know that they got rid of the marketplace category where developers could sell assets.

The DevForum is very vague when it comes to commissions being posted in #collaboration so you’re better off not relying on the devforum then.

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To add on roblox is working on the talent hub, which is still in private beta as of now, which could replace the entire category, so might as well use that once it’s released/you’re invited to the private beta


Calling out users in my eyes is like


While a community warning is something like this
‘Hey guys! This user scammed me out of something. Here is the proof: proof. I advice you to not work with this user’

Basically, how I see a community warning is basically a more professional way of calling out someone, though I do see how you see how they are basically the same thing

This is derogatory behavior and is very toxic. This is also against the rules.

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Wait, how is it toxic to warn others of a scam? I’m confused

It still says scamming, it’s still calling out.

It doesn’t matter how it’s worded – it’s still calling out. You are saying that someone is scamming, even if it’s different word choice, the point is that the spirit is still the same.

Just use Roblox support

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If someone scams you, let Roblox handle it. Why put a label on someone for lifetime? Pretty sure if they ever mature they would’ve learned their lesson.

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I do agree we should let Roblox handle it, but I think it’s fine to warn others, thus limiting the damage

There isn’t really a point to implementing this. There are already a million and one different ways to prevent scamming such as contracts, secured payment, etc. If you get scammed and you have many resources to help you not get scammed, then it is entirely your fault for making those decisions. Going through the hassle of making a entire system for this is pointless since everyone should at least know about or if they haven’t, should learn about techniques on how not to get scammed.


Alongside everything that’s already been said, a reputation system sounds pretty useless to me. You can’t call people out or attack them, meaning this rule would be broken half the time should a ‘bad rep flagger’ be implemented. If anyone has any good rep to showcase, they can do so in their portfolio.

This is an extremely valid point; there’s no point placing additional workload on DET when it’s unnecessary and unessential to the functioning of the wider forum.


…What stops users from “down-voting” a person who simply had a different point of view on the best modeling program or proved their understanding of the forum’s rules as wrong? A rating system or a way to rank people based on “how nice they are” sounds a lot like what China’s doing to its citizens- Giving essentially everyone a mandatory score that is public, so people know who to stop being friends with, who to deny access to a store, to public transport, for entering a restaurant. Absolutely no support from me. Everything is opinionated.

Basically this. Imagine if you had a floating number above your head throughout your life that you couldn’t get rid of. Jesus Christ, a statistic does not define you. A number cannot determine who you are. Get this ideology out of here.

Your wealth? Doesn’t define you.
Your grades from school? Doesn’t define you.
Your weight? Doesn’t define you.

You are not simply a number.


No. I do not want this forum to have a social credit system.


Defamation is the concept that we are not promoting on the platform, thus it is wrong to push an entire community against someone in discrimination. Again, we’re looking at another similar concept that revolves around attempting to discriminate someone and that is not our goal. The way is forward.

The similar topic: