Back when post-approval was a thing, that would really mess up people getting ranked up to Regular.
I don’t mean to offend anyone in this post so please keep that in mind when responding
I personally am against this. I think it might be too distracting from the actual topics and just start drama when someone accidentally misgenders someone. If it happens to me, I just send them a polite DM about it. Unfortunately tho, we can’t count on others to be like that.
This also might be grounds for some people to be horrible male body parts and harass others just because their views don’t line up with the world.
Let’s keep this a forum dedicated to development and not try to bring in any more reasons for drama.
I am not against LGBTQ+, this is just my opinion. If you are offended, please say so. Communication is the key to understanding.
I am not on board with this one. Although, i agree using proper pronouns. First of all, this is a lego game. The avatars doesn’t have any genders. Yes, sometimes avatars wear gender-specific clothes, but they don’t have any genitals. Also, i don’t agree with;
For just using the incorrect pronouns?! That is just a tad bit absurd. If i were to call the person “he” instead of “they”, i’ll receive a warning and a ban? Sounds ridiculous.
And, i agree with;
A drama is the last thing the developing community needs.
I’d say, just use they/them pronouns in general, I think they are accepted for all genders. As an non-binary developer myself I would also really want this to be added.
I use “they” 99% of the time to refer to other people on the internet, and I am a “he”, but if someone called me “she” I really wouldn’t give a crap.
I just don’t understand, I guess, what the matter is with possibly using an incorrect pronoun. The person can correct them, not that awkward.
Also a punishment is quite extreme.
Objectively, pronouns should not be placed in front of development, because that is an issue and a controversy. The main goal of the forum is not to identify but supporting developers regardless of bias or any discrimination. Try to indiscriminate users instead and use any generic term that is “neutral”.
Your profile works. The blurb has a preview when you click someone’s name, so mentioning there should work.
I’ll be a smidge more on the blunt side when I say this, but I honestly think some method of explicitly mentioning it beyond your profile blurb is not proper. As far as titles go for development, seeing “He/him” or whatever it may be where something like “Programmer” would normally go is worse than useless. This is a development forum. Whether you identify as x or y means nothing to me if I’m trying to see your development capabilities. Suzy can be just as good a programmer as Joey, so the fact that suzy goes by “he” and Joey as “she” is not relevant to me. If I want to know, Ill go to their profile blurb.
I will say now that even though I try, I fail to understand the significance of an accidental one-time misidentification. People have called me a girl from my profile pic outside of Roblox, and I know that identifying someone can often be a coin toss at best. Now I refuse to use my experience as a reason to object to this change, considering how shortsighted of me that is. My point is that the evident worry of that first time misidentification seems to be so incredibly rare that I can’t justify a change like this.
If people misidentifying you is a problem - that is, they purposely do it beyond some hypothetical first accidental term - then thats something to take to moderation.
No support,. there is no need for pronouns here, this is a place of business, not a discord chatroom, Plus, you can just use they/them.
I know some people in real life who strictly go by he/him and he would be offended if he was called a “they”.
That’s too bad, Number 1, I have never seen a person here getting offended by being called a “they”, and Number 2, it’s kind of a standard, it doesn’t matter if they get offended because that’s what you go by when you don’t know someone’s gender. All you have to do if they get offended is apologize and ask what gender they want to be referred to by.
No one whatsoever ever mentions anything gender related on the DevForum and there are no features that involve gender or gender discussion - no one should be feeling discriminated for their preferred gender.
Quite ridicule to ban people who are here to discuss the Roblox platform for using a wrong pronoun of a person they more than likely never encountered before.
The purpose of the Dev Forum is to stimulate healthy discussion on Roblox, not to stimulate drama and discussion on a person’s gender and how one could feel discriminated by being referred to with the wrong pronoun.
What improves the experience for all of us is tools to communicate with DevRel and discuss Roblox related topics with other users, not gender related ones.
It won’t create a negative environment if it gets overlooked. If more attention is paid towards it this’ll just cause more problems between people.
The person who got called the wrong pronoun is somewhat more responsible for allowing it to make them uncomfortable, rather than the person who called them the incorrect pronoun (given it was on accident). As far as I’m aware there have been little to no instances of gender discrimination on the Devforum, nor any conversation about such topics.
(I am responding to this one given you speak of the entire LGBTQ community, including trans and non-binary people)
What about the people who aren’t with the LGBTQ community? I don’t think this will improve their experience with the forum, rather cause them to leave if LGBTQ people are supposedly being given less punishment than those who are not with LGBTQ. What happens if an LGBTQ supporter calls a straight person the wrong pronoun? i couldn’t think of another way to word this please take this in a kind way
Any ideas? Like @incapaz said, don’t add it. It’ll cause a social imbalance on the devforum and discourage people of any type to not use it, or even leave the forums.
This exists and is called bio
And no, that would be a big error. NO ONE I’VE EVER KNOWN ON THIS FORUM has been attacking anyone by his gender, and if they do they already get banned.
The forum and Roblox itself is already an inclusive place and people who attack someone because of his gender/race/religion and etc. are honestly retards, but we do not need this. Just use “they” as a way to refer to people that you don’t know
“Hey there! Remember to look at the bio/prefered pronouns of the person you are talking to so you don’t get banned”
It is a bit stupid. Nowadays people get offended by everything. We should respect everyone, but this is a bit extreme.
Bad idea, you already have the bio. If you feel uncomfortable by being called a certain pronoun just say it to the person you are talking to.
I try to use “they” in all situations where referring to another forum user. Keeps it simple and respectful.
Positive reinforcement is how you change culture, not by harshly punishing people.
It’s not a good idea to force social etiquette like this because 95% of the time these things don’t happen on purpose but purely by accident or ignorance. If someone is intentionally being rude you can flag the post, and if you think they made a mistake you could just private message them to point it out or explain it in a friendly way.
If they start banning people who don’t even know what they’re doing wrong or why it is disrespectful (we have many different cultures and age groups here, and habits / biases can be hard to change), this will just radicalize users in the wrong direction, it promotes cynicism. I recommend reconsidering how you approach this problem on this/other platforms.
excuse me, but gender ≠ pronouns.
why dont you just put your pronouns in your biography, it is there for a reason
I am against this for the main reason that gender has never been an issue, nor should people know a person’s gender (privacy laws).
These topics come up time and time again, and it is irrelevant to development. It does not add anything to help the development cycle, and only attempts to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. ( Everyone uses “they” most of the time)
I loathe the thought of me having to switch from using “they” to another pronoun just because a person finds that “they” is not neutral enough for them. Nor do I want a person to feel they have the right to harass me because I said “them” instead of their “listed” gender.
Hard no on this.
I highly disagree. I’m a member of the LGBTQ community myself. Thing is you wouldn’t have known this until now. Simply because this is meant for developers, not a hangout. You’re able to tell someone’s gender 99% of the time just by looking at their name and avatar. There’s absolutely no reason why this needs to be added.
I feel like by using a general pronoun that applies for all genders, devforum will be a better place. We don’t need to add special gender plaques by our profile and I feel like anything profile not related to developing should be occluded.
Here are some templates for anyone interested.
<div align="center"><small>He/Him/His</small></div>
<div align="center"><small>She/Her/Hers</small></div>
<div align = "center"><small>They/Them/Their</small></div>
Add <hr>
to the end to add a line break. Add >
in front to make a box quote. You can view the raw of this reply here:
Maybe you can put the pronouns in the bio?
putting my opinions on the gender pronoun issue aside, i do like the signature idea. i feel the devforum could implement this for general use, and then if you feel it is necessarily, you can mention your pronouns and any other information you wish to make known about yourself
Other people have said to use “they”, and I will say the same thing with my reasoning.
Many people will be offended about many things, no culture or group will ever satisfy every possible person who visits or joins them. Trying to appeal to everybody is silly, and punishing them for trying to keep up with that and inevitably failing is even more so. Your profile’s biography should suit your needs if you want to specify your pronouns.