Request for a version of Roblox Studio in Spanish

Hello developer brothers!
Roblox Studio is an excellent platform to create whatever you want, you just need a little imagination and programming knowledge. But it would be even better if it were available to Spanish-speaking people.
I, who speak Spanish, had the need to learn English to start developing my projects, which until now continues to cause delays in my work.
Some friends of mine have given up on their dreams of becoming a developer at Roblox Studio just because of the language issue.
If Roblox Studio can address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be more familiar with my native language and it would be easier for Spanish-speaking developers to make our dreams of entering the world of programming come true.
Will a Spanish function of Roblox Studio be implemented in the future?
Thanks for your attention :+1:


This seems like something that will happen, however I just wanted to note that most professional development tools have no, or limited, localization support; especially in the programming part.


Adding onto above, a Spanish or other translations as well, of Roblox studio, may not be very feasible.

The entire Roblox api is in English. All the member names. If translations are provided Roblox engineers might have to make aliases in the languages Roblox wants to provide.

it would be confusing to have these in English still since the api you are working with in code would be in English as well, but you are using Spanish as your language, but having them in Spanish is confusing for when you are scripting.

So I don’t “not support” this neither do I support it, maybe engineers will find a way to account for an issue like this


As @sjr04 stated, the programming language is in English so it would get confusing.

How about a quality English to Spanish translated webpage that explains all of the Properties of whatever item you are trying to use or script, but includes the correct terms so that readers understand the items functionality?

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Hmm … I appreciate your comments brother developers @sjr04 @Scottifly , however my request is not to change the API language in Roblox Studio (because it would definitely get very confusing) but rather to implement an option for the basics of Roblox Studio change to the Spanish language, as it already happens in other cases. Look


I understand, that is what I was talking about. It would be inconsistent to have all this interface in another language while the issues pointed out are still there

but it would be a great advance for us Spanish speakers … right?

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definitivamente, pero como te digo, los ingenieros de roblox tienen que tener en cuenta lo mencionado antes de actuar

definitely, but like i am saying, engineers need to take into account what was mentioned before acting

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Mmmmm … ok, you’re right
Shall I tell you something that I find funny?
In my school I was always terrible at learning English, but since I entered the world of development in Roblox Studio I had the need to learn the language.
Now I can even start an English conversation with you …LOL


As per release note 489, Roblox Studio has now been translated into Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish! :tada:

Users are already reporting that this update is live for them!