We have very exciting news for our international developers! As of today, Roblox Studio is now localized and accessible in three new languages: Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese!
These localized versions will be accessible to anyone who would like to use them. Not sure how to enable them? No problem! We’ve included a short guide on how to navigate these settings below!
How to enable Studio in Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese
Open Roblox Studio and navigate to the “File” tab in the top left corner
In Studio Settings, scroll down to the General section and locate the Language tab
Click the drop down menu next to the Language tab and select the language you’d like to use
When you click “Close,” and this menu will pop up. Studio will need to be restarted for the language changes to take effect. Then you can proceed to use Studio in whichever language you’d prefer!
As we continue to open Roblox Studio up to new languages and communities, we always appreciate any and all feedback! Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions!
While this is great for newcomers, a prompt should’ve been shown to existing studio users, I don’t want to use a translation that doesn’t match my dialect.
Not only that, but this announcement is extremely late (this functionality was available and forced over a week ago!), I spent about 6 minutes looking for a way to switch back to English because there was no information on how to disable this up until now.
In the future, will the community be able to contribute to the available translations? (outside of #feature-requests:studio-features, perhaps exposing a translator portal like through Crowdin) Or even the ability to propose new languages to be translated that studio does not yet support?
With the recent expansion towards the Japanese audience, will there be a devforum category created for Japan? I understand that this is a difficult endeavor that would involve several moving parts to come together including identifying/fostering a sufficiently large Japanese developer community, as well as hiring management staff for a Japanese section of the devforum. Just wondering if this is an aspiration of developer relations; if so, I will be patiently and excitedly waiting! I am a Japanese speaker and would love to network with other Japanese developers on Roblox.
this is really cool. now more developers will be able to use roblox more easily. great job. what Languages do you plan on ading next? arabic? russian? cant wait!
Although I’m not an international user, I know these updates will help to expand Roblox’s international accessibility tremendously, keep up the great work!
Although i personally won’t be using, Japanese localization definitely is one of the great addition for Japanese community
Back then, the only things we could rely on to work with studio and other English contents were to wait for someone who is fluent in both English and Japanese to post some tutorials, which not many does.
However, since the features are all now natively translated, we will be able to dive into the world of creating games without hesitating
Question, I heard that you can only script in English, Is it true… Can you script in other languages now? Spanish Portuguese and Japanese? and the other languages available to Roblox Studio? That would be very cool And Helpful to say the least!