Requesting Throttle Limit Increase for AvatarEditorService Methods

Requesting a limit increase as instructed by the documentation page.

As a Roblox developer, it is impossible to scale our game any higher or further utilize AvatarEditorService methods. I am requesting an increase in the limits for PhotoShoot x Green Screen Studio.

We currently use caching to try to prevent hitting the limits too much, but as it stands now we need to make use of GetItemDetails, GetBatchItemDetails, and SearchCatalog for our catalog system to function properly. In the future, we would like to use the other methods to offer more features, but that is impossible to even consider right now as we are already hitting the limits even on weekdays, while weekends are usually our peak player count.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would allow us to support a larger player count as well as more catalog features.

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