Requirements to earn the ability to post are stupid

I agree! I don’t even know why this still exists as bots still exist on the forum, and the system’s sole purpose is to prevent bots which it fails at miserably. It’s just better to do what basically every other forum does which is to not have that feature and to just get better forum moderation. Take for example, the community. At first, it has basic limits like number of posts and such, but as you progress, you level up and get more freedom on what you can do.


making devforum less strict will result in horrible outcome people will start botting,trolling,posting nsfw content and etc devforum verification being strict is good enough i would recommend keeping devforum how it is because if it became less strict it would ruin the entire community there would be alot of trolls, maybe bots as well and etc


I see your point, but then again it’s a way to avoid raids and spammers from freely posting in the forum. I agree that the forum tutorial should be improved, that’s an idea i pitched in a while ago. In my opinion, ID verified accounts should not have to go through this eligibility maze.


theres nothing stopping somebody buying an account that is id verified and using it to swear,post nsfw content,troll in comments etc

because roblox is a big platform and has millions of daily active users if devforum became less strict it would be a disaster and create unsafe environment for everyone they would also have to hire more dedicated mods for devforum and even if they did all that it still wouldnt fix the problems


I remember there used to be a bot to guide new forum users:

It guided trough basic forum features, but it maybe possible to also add “describings” about forum rules to him?


Eh… It’s likely the perception that it fails rather than actually being that bad (compared to just logging in I mean). You see the posts by those who bypass things and you usually don’t see the behind-the-scenes. I wonder if there’s a number tracked of accounts that are flagged as bots.

And, it’s all in comparison. What’s a better way forums deal with bots? Well, that’s somewhat flawed as this community is unique, like each community, and thus can face differing issues—popularity, tech-savyness, or whatever else. That said, I’d assume most discourse forums use the trust level system idea (not just the TL system itself) of adding permissions as a user spends more time on that forum (like the Blender Artists forum w/ image upload limits). One of those is making a high (or should I say higher) barrier to entry (compared to just ‘logging in’).

In short, I think just having the requirement be having a Roblox account and logging in likely is not enough to stop bots (but needing a Roblox account might be too much for game devs outside the Roblox community). And, based on the OP, what we have now is seen as too much. So, there’s likely a middle ground somewhere.

There is the @discobot for the tutorial, assuming it’s still used today. It could probably be more updated, here’s the old one I got when joining:

That system of messaging a bot back and forth is probably not the best way to learn how to navigate the forum, but there is this:

I swear there was another page for info for new forum members, but I could be wrong.


Noone is risking buying an ID verified account to post on the DevForums…

Also, unless the account gets compromised, I don’t think people are selling their accounts with government documents attached to them.

Edit: Oops, replied to the wrong person


back than when devforum had strict verification system some person got banned on roblox website but could access devforum so they posted gore thefore i think it would be best for everyone if devforum stayed as it is therres no reason to re invesnt the wheel just keep how it is everyone is happy already

also id verified accounts aint that expensive many people buy them because they come with voice chat too


I agree with this. I had this same problem a few months back where I couldn’t quite find a post/solution about my issue at all, and just had to go through a few hours of trial and error.

This had happened multiplie times where I was confused and had no idea on what to do, as @awry_y said, It’d be better if you add limitations on what you can post instead of removing the feature entirely for new forum users.


A better way for a forum to deal with bots is, like you said, putting the barrier a little bit higher. In my opinion, a good way to keep bots out is:
Requiring accounts to be above a certain account age.

Also, when was the last time you encountered a bot on the forum? In my case, that’s never. I have never seen a bot on the forum which just means that it’s useless to have a limit in the first place as there aren’t any bots on the forum spamming stuff. In my years on the forum since July 21st, 2021, I encountered only ONE single bot which was taken down quickly.

I just think that it’s best to either make the time duration lenient and to make the eligibility barrier higher and to ensure that the moderation is active 24/7.

Also, most of the time the forum is raided by trollers rather than bots sooo… it’s a moderation flaw.


theres alt generated accounts that are 3-4 years old some of them are even from 2008 and they are accessible for everyone for like 2 k robux lifetime license please do research next time thanks


A good way to bypass this is to add limitations to what you can post, as Charlotte said.

For example, restrict images, post length and how many posts/replies you can create.


this can still be abused and theres nothing stopping people from creating bots and posting bad stuff this is horrible idea considering how big roblox is because there will be defintly somebody abusing this or service providing people devforum alt accounts


That is a moderation issue, not an issue with restricting access.

Who is spending 20+ dollars just to troll on the forum?


even if roblox hired more moderators for devforum it still wouldnt fix the issue because mods would be reacting after something bad happend

its either 2 k robux or like 2 usd for a week license and and many people do buy it


If there are then they should pretty much be on the forum as well. I don’t see any though. No idea what your trying to say pretty much…

No one’s as free as you to join the forum with a heck ton of bots every single day.


And how exactly is having a complete restriction on posting going to help with this issue?

The point of this post is to point out that this feature is a terrible one, and driving people away while being a waste of time. Even with this feature there are still bots/trolls.


because it prevents bad parties creating bad posts and trolling unless you want filter system to be added on devforum that would most likely prevent you posting scripts i think it should stay how it is


What’s the point of a DevForum if it instantly mutes new developers? This could happen in any strict platform. Evidently, the old “your post has been removed” most moderators pull these days isn’t enough to stop any trolls.

You have a suspicious amount of knowledge for account trading…


Can’t someone just " Buy " or " Rent " an account and do this?