ReservedServers not working occasionally

Got 3 more reports of it failing, so it’s confirmed that this a problem still :frowning:

Oi, 0xBAADF00D posted after working hours for them yesterday, and they probably just got into the office for the day. Give it some time.

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? I’m confirming something is broken.

So I built a basic repro case based off the code you posted:

(find the button with the text “teleport”)

and ReserveServer/TeleportServer seem to be working (at least in the 10 times in a row I’ve tried).

If you’re not able to reproduce it consistently, I think it may just be the time it takes for the update to propagate to the servers and this should go away within a few days.

If you ARE able to reproduce it consistently, please send (post/PM) a place with instructions.

It doesn’t seem to fail anymore but we still to get these every time. Not sure if it’s important or not.

I believe this may be related,

When you click teleport, it crashes studio and on a live game.

This is breaking again. I’m getting tons of reports of players being stuck in permanent teleport.

Just happened to me…

Can confirm this bug is back.

There is no point in bumping this thread on weekends. The staff are only online around 9-6 PM Pacific time on weekdays.

I’m aware.

So I created a server and started a game in your game ( a couple of times and was unable to reproduce it.

Do you have specific steps to take that will do it consistently?

I do not, sorry. It seems it’s spastic.

Sorry for necro-bumping this thread, but this issue still occurs.

@spotco We’re having this issue in our game, Meadows Ranch

The issue occurs randomly, but seems to teleport the player in the end anyway. The places you can teleport to are in the same Game, but they’re inactive. Making them active makes no change in occurence of the issue.

The error is the following (unable to attach pic from phone):
Teleport exception: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request)

The link the error points to is HTTP, which gives me some ideas that the issue is that ROBLOX now mostly runs on HTTPS, and it won’t get the proper internal verification when trying to direct to HTTP. Could TeleportService not be properly updated to reflect the HTTP to HTTPS change?

I’m unable to replicate the issue in one clear way, so I can’t give you some solid steps on how to replicate it - sorry!

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Just checking: are you able to mitigate this by wrapping teleport in a pcall, and trying it again if it fails? The large majority of code I’ve seen does that.

Seems not! I’ve both tried isolating it with a pcall, calling it in loops and pcall, and tried to re-call it if the TeleportState returns FAILED.
The issue is that it only reaches TeleportState.WaitingForServer before this obnoxious error starts popping up. WaitingForServer is returned once when the error occurs - when the error is absent, the WaitingForServer can occur multiple times.

It is also worth noting that the teleport DOES happen either way, but sometimes it takes an awful amount of waiting to get teleported.

A snapshot of the client log when this error occurs, and the game automatically tries to re-teleport:

Do you do teleport on the server or client? Reserved servers have to be on the server, as seen in this example

What if you wait for a little bit before retrying? I can imagine spamming the request several times per second (according to log) is not going to make it very likely to work on retry.

Well, perhaps I’m in the wrong topic actually. I’m using :Teleport(), but the issue is the exact same (hence why I posted here).

@buildthomas - I can do that, but I don’t think it’ll have any effect. The issue of Teleport Exception occurs even when I’m not retrying to teleport them (aka when I’m only trying to teleport them once). It teleports them in the end either way - it just takes suspiciously much time.

Well make sure @spotco understands you’re talking about that teleport, not reserved servers.

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