Alright so what I want is to know if there’s a more effective version of this script that changes all of the values of the scales instead of putting a seperate line in for each change, and I want to be able to scale the head a bit bigger or else the head will look unusually small if scaled to the same as the other values. I know another script could possibly handle the scaling but this seems a bit hacky and there must be another option.
Learn to use variables to shorten your code! All your declarations that start with game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid could be shortened to just a single word, such as Humanoid, with a variable assignment.
local Humanoid = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
Humanoid.--[[property]].Value = Humanoid.--[[property]].Value + Scale
If you find this confusing with changing properties, remember that you should just reference the object that possesses the property, not the property itself, so that you get a reference and not a value passed to the variable.
Other than this, I would use a for loop with all the properties from the humanoid in a table of strings.
local Properties = {"BodyDepthScale", "BodyWidthScale", ...}
for _, property in pairs(Properties) do --fixed
Humanoid[property].Value = Humanoid[property].Value + Scale
until Humanoid.BodyWidthScale.Value >= 6
Edit: If you want to scale the head a bit bigger, you can take it out of the for loop, calculate it separately, and just apply a multiplier to Scale before adding it to the Head scale value.
When I was listing the Properties table, it was more like a really short example because I was really lazy. You have to include every property that you want to change in there as a string, which was why I included the ellipsis (...) at the end. Make sure not to have any typos in each string as well!
I also made a typo in the for loop, it’s supposed to be _, property, not just property, otherwise the for loop will loop through indexes, 1, 2, 3,..., #Properties, instead of the actual strings.
Idk if you fixed it or not, but just in case. If you’re looking to just have a big boss, scale it in studio with the scaling tool. I’ll try to see if NPCs are scalable as I’m not sure
Edit: also make sure the humanoid inside the NPC contains these