[Resolved] RobloxPlayerInstaller and RobloxStudioInstaller download cacert.pem and crash with critical error in logs

Just fresh installed and updated Windows 11 Home 22H2 build (Full info below) and went to install roblox player and studio clients only to find that attempting to execute either installer results in a short loading mouse icon with no UI or dialog opening and the process exiting. When looking at the logs for both executables as well as watching the downloads folder when executing the programs I have noticed that it adds a file named “cacert.pem” (will upload this to admin only section of report, don’t know the sensitivity of this file so not uploading publicly) to the downloads folder when executed and the final line is a critical error with text “Catastrophic failure” (see log files below)

Windows information:

Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎8/‎6/‎2023
OS build 22621.2070
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22659.1000.0

Computer information

Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-12900H 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM 40.0 GB (39.7 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display


2023-08-08T21:05:02.013Z,0.013580,8820,6,Info [FLog::DesktopInstaller] The installer reporter is initialized
2023-08-08T21:05:02.013Z,0.013962,8820,6,Info [FLog::DesktopInstaller] The command line: C:\Users\chris\Downloads\RobloxPlayerInstaller.exe 
2023-08-08T21:05:02.014Z,0.014011,8820,6 [FLog::Error] Failed to delete channel from 'SOFTWARE\ROBLOX Corporation\Environments\RobloxPlayer\Channel' for baseUrl 'www.roblox.com'
2023-08-08T21:05:02.014Z,0.014028,8820,6 [FLog::Output] RobloxChannel has been set to production
2023-08-08T21:05:02.014Z,0.014084,8820,6,Info [FLog::DesktopInstaller] Reporting Installer Start
2023-08-08T21:05:03.646Z,1.646160,8820,6,Critical [FLog::DesktopInstaller] C:\buildAgent\work\ci_deploy_ninja_boot-x86_git\Client\Installer\Windows\src\Dialog.cpp(281)\RobloxPlayerInstaller.exe!00A2180F: (caller: 00A20FAD) FailFast(1) tid(8820) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure


2023-08-08T21:04:48.007Z,0.007336,89e0,6,Info [FLog::DesktopInstaller] The installer reporter is initialized
2023-08-08T21:04:48.007Z,0.007600,89e0,6,Info [FLog::DesktopInstaller] The command line: C:\Users\chris\Downloads\RobloxStudioInstaller.exe 
2023-08-08T21:04:48.007Z,0.007650,89e0,6 [FLog::Error] Failed to delete channel from 'SOFTWARE\ROBLOX Corporation\Environments\RobloxStudio\Channel' for baseUrl 'www.roblox.com'
2023-08-08T21:04:48.007Z,0.007666,89e0,6 [FLog::Output] RobloxChannel has been set to production
2023-08-08T21:04:48.007Z,0.007889,89e0,6,Info [FLog::DesktopInstaller] Reporting Installer Start
2023-08-08T21:04:49.729Z,1.729454,89e0,6,Critical [FLog::DesktopInstaller] C:\buildAgent\work\ci_deploy_ninja_boot-x86_git\Client\Installer\Windows\src\Dialog.cpp(281)\RobloxStudioInstaller.exe!00411205: (caller: 0041098D) FailFast(1) tid(89e0) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure

I have attempted fulling disabling and turning off all virus and firewall protections as well as running the installers in various forms of compatibility and as admin. There is no noticeable change regardless of all of these changes and attempts.

Expected behavior

The installers would open and install the client or studio respectively from their installer executables.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Edit: This problem is now fixed.



This issue should be fixed now, as you already realized!

Thanks for the update!