Response to code safety review discussion

Roblox is based in the US-Therefore all of the rules, which are set by them, are from the US.
So I think this would be based on US or International law.
And yes, I agree about the point you make, only the first.
And @MalosVindictus , fair point. First is correct. Second is correct, but I meant a bit more like talking. Third…And who is gonna find, and see that threat unless they are hackers?
My opinion is this should only be for uncopylocked games.
And why does team create have different privileges for this?

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The entire moderation system of Roblox (including this) should be overhauled.

The current system is just broken, and the code review system makes it even worse.

I don’t trust the “special-trained” team at all, after the situation of @NickoSCP. I have my own feelings that this team is just the same team as the team of other moderation on Roblox.


What makes your code so special though? Hypothetically if employees were to “steal” it, they could only use it on ROBLOX. Which at that point any game with said stolen code would be taken down accordingly.

Might I remind you that ROBLOX gives you access to their studio for free, and they own it. You publish your games and assets through roblox. They have every right to look through it. Whether you like it or not. It doesn’t matter how many times people complain. ROBLOX still has their right to view code and will do so if necessary.

Honestly it shouldn’t be a problem to you guys. As long as you don’t break the rules they won’t look through your code, it’s as simple as that. If you want your code not looked it, don’t break the rules with it.

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I understand ROBLOX has the right to do this, but really, how would ANYTHING in my code affect anyone?

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You could be storing peoples information in code. Scam places for example, they can store passwords.

You shouldn’t worry about this if you don’t break rules.


My code is special because I worked on it for a long time, if I don’t list my code as public property/domain and keep it private I don’t see how moderators should be treated any different from the public. This is supposed to be a platform, like Steam, and if it wants to become one for everyone then it needs to respect people’s privacy. It’s like saying “If you don’t have anything to hide why should you worry?”, because I should worry since I want to keep my work to myself which is not selfish at all.


“Why should you be worried about others seeing something if you have nothing to hide?”
Because that logic is how authoritarianism happens, as an example.


They could take the code and port it to other platforms, so no, they don’t just have to use it on Roblox.

Name one other platform that uses robloxs coding system where I could copy paste your code and have it work. Also as stated. They won’t look at your code if you dont do anything wrong so just dont do anything wrong

Many people have been using swear words in their code. It’s not something new.

– Oh yeah that is just Blankity-Blank
I mean in team create they need to convey ideas, right?

Adding to this, Roblox’s filter isn’t the best either.

Copy-pasting code is not “porting” it anywhere. It’s copy-pasting. It doesn’t change the fact that someone knowledgeable in the Roblox API (such as an appropriate staff member for code reviewing) as well as knowledgeable in another platform’s API (or can use their documentation) can pretty trivially port the code to another language. (Also, it’s entirely possible there are RLua interpreters available for some engines if you look hard enough.)

Also “they won’t look if you don’t do anything wrong” is a dangerous ideology to have. That’s how thought-policing and similar atrocious policies occur.

Also, the detection is automatic, and previous automatic detection systems (looking at you, chat filter) false positive atrociously often to the point of stifling that which they are supposed to moderate. Add to that the relatively shoddy reputation of Roblox moderation in general, in part caused by a total lack of transparency, as well as their abysmal appeals system, and this policy has more potential to do harm than good.


Well in the end there’s nothing we can do about it.

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If you believe there’s nothing we can do about it, then why are you so actively trying to dismiss those on this thread TRYING to do something about it?


Because roblox won’t change it. Trust me. If they would listen to us it would be nice.

Except they have, already, provided this clarification.

That’s good, and I’m very happy. My apologies for not seeing it.

Why is this still a discussion? It’s been several months and this discussion has gone into circles.


Do you know what code you got banned for?