Retaining High Fidelity Images

I think this already happens. If you reduce the quality the textures they become lower resolution. And in phones I think due to the compression algorithms for the stores they aren’t as high quality as the pc version even on max Graphical settings.

However this is long time ago so I am not 100% sure about this.

Im pretty sure that on mobile Roblox dynamically adjusts the resolution of the textures based on the available memory, although sometimes it feels buggy. I hope Roblox adds this feature into the official settings where you can change the modes between Low, Medium, and High(maybe ultra?) for 512 - 1024, 1024 - 2048, 2048 - 8192.

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I wish but we don’t even have the ability to change the render resolution.

Like my screen is 4K and Roblox render resolution runs at 4K wasting a lot more resources than needed, so without even having a basic thing such as that I doubt they will give us the option to change more game specific settings.


the feature does have me excited but…

I don’t fully understand this decision of supporting 8k textures on players accessories. I’m sure developers, such as myself, would greatly appreciate a smaller upgrade to 2k or 4k textures for use in-game. At the moment, if I model something and want the texture for it to be really high quality, my only real choice is to split the model into 4 sections or more, each with their own 1k texture to facilitate my needs.

My other concern would be the inability, as a developer, to set a desired accessory/asset quality. If each accessory/asset can have an 8k texture, assuming we have a game that isn’t super open (so players are near each other, such as a hangout) and 10-20+ players each wearing 2 or more 8k resolution accessories, it can begin to add up. If or when it does become available to developers to make use of we may want to prioritize certain assets texture quality over others (e.g, players hats as a low priority).

Nonetheless, I am excited about the update. I just wish I personally could make use of it.

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I don’t really think it should be a problem to regulate the texture size depending on how far you are from the model, or let the user set the maximum image resolution

Oh welp the hype just went to to the trash since its just for website use and if devs can’t upload that high of image textures then its almost useless
Hopefully Roblox makes a ram limit or just a general limit for the game engine so people can’t abuse it and people who do know how to use it properly get to actually make high quality stuff

But since this is Roblox we are talking about then this is going to take 900 years before we can even get a glimpse of it on the roadmap
All respect to the Roblox staff that does their work and puts out good shit but just the management of this company is depressing at times

Anyways here is my honest reaction: