Retargeting bends the character arms

The retargeting feature bends the arms of almost all bundles (including user-generated bundles).
It should be disabled by default. This is a big problem, retargeting is not ready to be enabled by default.

A few popular bundles:







The same bug occurs in the PC application and phone application avatar shop.

ROBLOX pc app:

Expected behavior

The arms should look like this:








This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


This problem is still not solved. It’s really sad that such a important bug still hasn’t been fixed.

@Focia19 any update?

Hi, thanks for your report. We’re currently investigating this issue. Would you be able to provide a repro place with these test cases ?


Hello, here is the repro place:
retargeting_bug.rbxl (177.4 KB)

You can test other bundles by putting them in the Dummy's folder and easily import the bundles with this plugin.


Hi, can you disable the feature by default as a temporary solution until the problem is solved?

We have a fix coming in the next few days that will catch these unfortunate cases.


Hi! We have a change rolling out now that should fix some of the bent arm issues you were seeing. Please take a look and let us know if you see any more problems.
Thank you!


The change should be live, however, we’ve identified one other issue we’d like to fix. I will let you know when that one goes in as well.


Hello, except for Dennis, all of them still haven’t fixed, also now running animations character legs is weird. I’m curious how this feature works. Can you explain please? I am still recommending Retargeting feature set to disable by default, feature is currently experimental.

The intent of retargeting is to be able to author animations on one rig and have them look as close to the same on a different rig.

For example, this idle was authored on this character and looks like this:

Without retargeting, the same idle anim played on character that was authored in a different base pose (t-pose makes this very obvious) will look like this:

If we turn on retargeting, we correct the arms to be closer to the position that the original animation intended, like this:

I believe what you are seeing is intended. The idle animation was authored on the blocky character which has its arms nearly straight down. The mesh or rthro characters have their arms more out to the sides by default so we are lowering them a bit to match how pose looked originally.

I hope this helps. I’m not sure about the feet issue, no changes were made to that recently to my knowledge. Maybe we should start a new thread for foot bugs?

Sorry, I don’t think it’s intended. Every time I create a new place retargeting defaults to enabled and it makes characters look worse. If this is actually intended and can’t be fixed then I will keep it disabled and be frustrated because I don’t have some cool features only because of this small issue.

What could be done is that do it for mocap (rthro) animations only, make it normal enough for classic r15 and do not affect classic animations.


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Is the issue mostly limited to this type of character having the shoulders clip with the torso when idling?

It varies, here’s superhero bundle

image (on)
image (off)

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OK, thanks Lvie!
Let us look into this a bit more and see what we can do. Those elbows almost look like they are bending backwards.

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Yup, I see the same issue with the superhero body. Good catch. Please post any other examples of retargeting arm problems you see.


Retargeting kinda ruins animations on the free “Woman” bundle.

This bundle was created in 2012, long before R15 even existed. The arms were never meant to bend like this or appear this close to the torso.


This is tough cause retargeting is changing the look of animations people are used to. However, one could argue the woman model now looks closer to the original intent of the idle animation. The idle is supposed to have the hands down by their sides and not stuck out at 45 degrees.

If we don’t do this correction then other animations will look broken, for example, raising her hand will clip with her head when retargeting is disabled.


Already RHTRO bundles have Rthro Animation Package, they dont using normal animations.

It affects all animations, not just idle animations. (Running etc.)

I think no need add every bundle screenshots, ALL classic R15 bundles and some UGC bundles have the same problem. Almost all popular bundles.

I understand exactly what the feature is. It maybe correction little details of animations but the arms looks really worse. There must be another solution to correction animations.

Speaking of which i dont believe you ever intended arms to bend like this:

in any of your animations as this bends the elbow in a unintended way that is also never accounted for in the bundle used here for this to be properly replicated with this character you would instead do this:

same effect just it keeps the elbow only bending in the way the rig accounts for.

You may consider only bending arms like so:

when retargeting animations to ensure that characters don’t bend in ways they were never designed to.