Reverb for sounds / Reverb not affecting non-global sounds

Currently if you set the AmbientReverb of SoundScape to anything other than “NoReverb”, it affects every single sound in the game.

If your game has background music and the reverb is set to a value other than “NoReverb”, and for example guns that emit firing sounds, both the music and gun sounds will have a reverb effect. This is obviously not desirable for music.

So my suggestion is to add a Reverb property to sounds, OR make the AmbientReverb property not affect sounds that are for example in PlayerGui


I believe this is a limitation of FMOD, so without major work they can’t easily implement it.

For 3D sounds, though, they can use Reverb3D which also gives you range properties.

Was just going to make a similar thread but found this and decided to bump instead.
I’d love to have AmbientReverb affect sounds only in workspace / in parts.
Are we limited by the sound engine as mentioned or is this a possibility?