Revert the recent changes to the 'world space' orientation mode in the rotate and move tool

As a Roblox developer it is currently too difficult to position my objects correctly in world space.

Recently a change was made to how ‘world space’ is treated in the rotate and move tool, which I originally reported as a bug here, but which seems to have been an intentional change. I strongly disagree with this feature and would like for it to be reverted.

My primary reason for this change being a bad change is the situation shown in the video below. When populating a build with assets, it is very common to copy and paste objects and then drag them to where you want to place them. Then, the rotate and move tool are used to make final adjustments to better put them in place. This new change now creates a situation where an object which originated from a rotated location which is being dragged to a location with a different orientation will always result in ‘messed up’ handles if the mode is set to ‘world space’.

The handles after dragging the object to a new location are now practically unusable. They are not aligned with the world space, nor are they aligned with the object’s local space. The suggested work-around is now to either re-select the object or to press CTRL + L twice to switch back and forth between the different orientation modes. Both options are unnecessary friction. I just want to be able to immediately edit my object properly after I put them in place.

I don’t think the upside of the new behavior outweighs the newly introduced problem that is shown in the video above.


I completely agree with this. I’ve tried out this new behavior and I can’t think of one case where I’d want it. With the old behavior, I knew what to expect from the draggers and I had no issues with them. However, I find this new behavior confusing and unintuitive. I only turn on world space movement whenever I want to specifically move objects on world space axes. I don’t want (nor expect) the draggers to change their orientation while in such a mode.


This impacts my building SO MUCH.


I constantly work with props which means they are always rotated at different angles, but I always use global axis (what you call world space).

Given I often duplicate props and move them around my maps, the handles retain the initial orientation of the props, even though I have global axis enabled.

Can’t stand this crap.


Funky, I also thought this was a bug. Not sure why this is an intentional feature - I can’t really think of any upside, I have yet to find a useful use for it. Would be curious to know the rationale or possible uses for it.

As everyone else has said, it forces me to do either a keyboard shortcut or few mouse clicks to resolve it. It’s not oodles of friction, but considering there’s no obvious benefit, it doesn’t feel good.


I also support this. Handles should be predictably positioned at all times. Making their rotation depend on the history of the selection works against this principle and requires me to keep too much in consideration when dragging things around. I prefer the older context-free system.



I think there was some confusion. While it is intended for the handles to swap from world-space to local-space after applying one rotation/move, it is not intended for the handles to retain their rotation history after dragging them. We are now looking into fixing this behavior.




We just released a change so that the handles will be in world-space after dragging the object to a new location. This should fix the issue shown in the video in the original post.
