Revolution Documentation
Camera Functions Module (MainModule.CF)
(This should be used in LocalScripts)
CF.FixCamOnPart(part, camType=“Fixed”)
Fixes Camera onto given part, camType can be given however the defualt is Fixed -
CF.TweenCamToCFrame(CFrame, tinfo=see below, callback=nil)
Tweens the camera to the specified CFrame, if no tinfo is given then the defualt is:,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0
- CF.Reset(char=nil)
Resets the camera, if character is given then the Camera’s Focus/CFrame will be drawn to char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
Leaderstats Module (MainModule.L)
L.CreateLeaderstats(player) [Returns: The new leaderstats Instance]
Creates the leaderstats Folder inside the given player -
L.MakeStat(player, class, value=Not_Set, name=className) [Returns: The new stat Instance]
Creates a stat inside the leaderstats Folder of the given player, errors if no leaderstats were found.
Class needs to be the ClassName of your Stat. -
L.GetStatValue(player, object) [Returns: See below]
Returns the stat’s value (object needs to be it’s string name) -
L.UpdateStat(player, object, value)
Updates the stat (object [Needs to be it’s string name!]) in the given player’s leaderstats to the new given value (value) -
L.IncrementStat(player, object, value)
Specifically made for Int/NumberValues, increments the stat in the given player’s leaderstats by the value. -
L.TimedIncrement(player, object, timeto, value, callback)
Increments the stat (object [Needs to be it’s string name!]) every x seconds (timeto) by the value given.
Callback (which needs to be a function) is called every increment.
Special Functions Module (MainModule.SF)
SF.CreateValue(class, value=Not_Set, parent=nil, name=className) [Returns: The new BaseValue]
Creates a value of the type of the given className -
SF.WeldParts(Part1, Part2)
Welds the 2 given parts together. -
SF.GetObjectMass(object) [Returns: see below]
Returns the mass of the given object + all the masses of it’s descendants -
SF.GetServerType() [Returns: see below]
Returns both the server type (a string [“VIP”, “Reserved” or “Public”]) and the serverOwner if it is a VIP server. -
SF.printf(str, …)
Prints the formatted string of str using the mutli-args … -
SF.SearchTable(t, searchFor, searchType) [Returns: Boolean]
Searches the table (t) for the given value (searchFor). Determined by the searchType (either “index” or “value”) -
SF.RandomiseTable(t, seed=nil) [Returns: Randomised Table]
Randomises the given table (t) and returns the new randomised table.Applies a randomseed if given one (seed) -
SF.GetPartsWelded(Part) [Returns Instance table]
Finds and returns every other part welded with the given part (Part) -
SF.GetChildrenWithClass(object, class, returnType=“table”) [Returns: Instance table or integer number count]
Finds every child of the given object (object) of the given class (class).
If returnType = “table” then it’ll return and instance table containing every child of class otherwise if returnType = “count” then it’ll return and integer number count of how many there are. -
SF.GetDescendantsWithClass(object, class, returnType=“table”) [Returns: Instance table or integer number count]
Works just like GetChildWithClass (see above) but instead with Descendants. -
SF.NewModule(Parent=nil, Name=Not_Set) [Returns: The new ModuleScript Instance]
Creates a new ModuleScript, Parents it if Parent is given (Parent) and Names it if Name is given (Name) -
SF.HttpPost(url, data, …)
Makes a POST request to the given url with the data and other args -
SF.HttpGet(url, …)
Makes a GET request to the given url with the other args -
SF.ConvertToDictionary(t, set=true) [Returns: A dictionary]
Converts the given array (t) to a dictionary, if you want it’s value to be set to something - add set. -
SF.ConvertToArray(t) [Returns An array]
Converts the given dictionary into an array. -
SF.GetIndex(t, value) [Returns: index]
Finds the index of the given value (value) in the given table (t)
Vector Functions Module (MainModule.VF)
VF.Clamp(vector, min, max) [Returns: Vector3]
Clamps the x,y and z by the min and the max -
VF.Floor(vector) [Returns: Vector3]
Floors the vector’s x,y,z -
VF.Random(num1, num2) [Returns: Vector3]
Constructs a Vector using math.random(num1, num2) -
VF.Add(v1, v2) [Returns: Vector3]
Adds the 2 given vectors -
VF.Subtract(v1, v2) [Returns: Vector3]
Subtracts the 2 given vectors -
VF.Multiply(v1, v2) [Returns: Vector3]
Multiplys the 2 given vectors -
VF.Divide(v1, v2) [Returns: Vector3]
Divides the 2 given vectors -
VF.Pow(v1, v2) [Returns: Vector3]
Puts the first given vector to the power of the second given vector -
VF.Modulus(v1, v2) [Returns: Vector3]
Moduluses the 2 given vectors -
VF.Magnitude(v1, v2) [Returns: Integer]
Calculates the magnitude between the 2 given vectors -
VF.Unit(v1, v2) [Returns: Directional Vector3]
Calculates the unit between the 2 given vectors
RBXSignals Module (MainModule.RBXS)
Initializes the module. Needs to be ran before any other functions of the module are! -
Creates a new Signal with the name of strname -
RBXS:fire(strname, …)
Fires the Signal with the name of strname along with the tuple args … -
RBXS:connect(reference, strname, func)
Creates a connection on the Signal ,with the name of strname, with the reference name of reference.
func is the function to pass on the connection. -
RBXS:disconnect(reference, strname)
Disconnects the connection of the Signal ,with the name of strname, with the reference name of reference. -
Creates a yielding wait on the Signal with the name of strname -
Disconnects any connections and destroys the Signal with the name of strname.
Ban Functions Module (MainModule.BF)
BF.CheckBan(player) [Returns: Bool IsBanned & String Reason]
Checks if they’re banned. Returns values see above -
BF.BanPlayer(player, reason=“no reason given”)
Bans the player with the reason given. -
Initializes the Module to Auto-kick if the player is banned on PlayerAdded. Should be called at the very start of a Script.
Input Functions Module (MainModule.IF)
(This should be used in LocalScripts)
IF.BindOnBegan(inpType, key, func, name=“Connection” … #howmanyconnects)
Connects on InputBegan, checks that input.InputType is inpType (string) and that input.KeyCode is key. If so it’ll run the function given [func]. For using inputTypes like MouseButton1, inpType should be “MouseButton1” and key can be given false. -
IF.BindOnEnded(inpType, key, func, name=“Connection” … #howmanyconnects)
Acts exactly the same as BindOnBegan, see above, however it connects on InputEnded. -
IF.Unbind(name, func=nil)
Disconnects the Bind with the name of name. If func then it’ll call func as a callback when it’s Unbinded. -
Disconnects every Bind. If func then it’ll call func as a callback when it’s Unbinded every bind.