RichText [TextScaled Support Added]

This must be one of the most usefull feature available in Roblox Studio.

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You guys are really going exponential with the “I wish Roblox had this” features as of late. Hype!!! Thanks for all the awesome work behind the scenes! :smiley:

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This is so cool!
Kinda wish there was a better text editor and more fonts though…

And speaking of that: Will some fonts be depracated? (for instance: GothamBold, ArialBold, SourceSansItalics)

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Now, this is what I called an epic feature. This’s gonna be useful for every Roblox developer who designed a looking awesome UI with this RichText feature. :+1:

Example picture if you want:



One step closer to a in-game script editor with highlighting. I will try experiment making one with this, but I hope we once can get the text as rawtext too that will make it easier.

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While messing around with this, I noticed that when changing TextXAlignment to Center in a long text, it isn’t centered, it stays at like TextXAlignment is set to Left (Only last line works normal).

What it suppose to look like (RichText = false):
What it looks like (RichText = true):

Same issue when chaning TextXAlignment to Right too:


Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for such a long time!

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Thank you so much for adding this feature!

This will help a lot of GUI designers making their game easier, I hope there will be more Fonts in the near future.

This is nice, but we also need custom emojis. It would allow us to use our own currency icons and such in text boxes. That way, we wouldn’t have to use image labels to imperfectly place the icons.



I have beat everyone in this form reply section to it. Recorded history.


Haha, we saw this already when the UICorner description bugged out and said the same description as this :eyes:


okokokokok what the heck
Thats amazing, now i dont have to do the slow process of making an ImageLabel or making another TextLabel and turning on TextStrokeColor3 to make it look bolder. I can do that and a whole lot more in like 5 seconds
and yes i know im late but hold the phone bro, this is pretty cool

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Finally, this feature is really all I needed—no more adding multiple TextLabels just because several words on a single line need to be a different color.
Can’t wait to test it out.

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Good to have but seems a bit cumbersome to use, akin to posting on forums years ago when you had to manually type out text markup.

Hope someone makes a widget to make this a more streamlined thing to use.



The current markdown isn’t the most convenient for users, so i’m gonna have to make another parser for this stuff. oh lord.


I’ve been waiting for this, this is gonna be amazing for custom chat systems, announcers, system messages, etc. I can think of many use cases here.

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I have a script editor already with highlighting, but it overlays with colored textlabels instead since it was made before this was made.
Now I can upgrade it with this.

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Am I smelling the possibility of custom fonts in the future? :eyes:

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I can’t believe this has finally been added!
This is an amazing feature, before this, I had to use a plugin.
I generally make story games which have challenges in them, so it will be much easier to highlight the important parts or text from the dialog system!
Thank you Roblox for adding this in!

Wow! Now I guess I don’t need to use Defaultio’s RichText Module anymore lol

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