I’m absolutely clueless on how to solve this.
When I go into moon animator and give it an animation, it runs normally when I play it with the animation editor in studio, but it goes “further” than it should if I try to actually run it. Here’s what I mean:
(-607, 75, -341.9) end position when run while in editing mode
(-607, 72.6, -473) end position when run in testing mode (and presumably ingame)
I made a helicopter model.
- It has an anchored RootPart (PrimaryPart of the model)
- The RootPart has a motor6d connection to a Hull.
- The Hull has welds to numerous other parts
- The model has a humanoid in it, which I use :LoadAnimation with to load the animation
- I run the animation in game, and it does not behave like it does in studio.
Here’s what the model looks like in explorer. I used moon animator to add the motor6ds and welds. (Except the 2 weldconstraints)
Please let me know what I’m doing wrong.
(I’m putting this in scripting support since that’s the closest category for this)