Rig Builder plugin generates incorrectly-scaled R15 block rig

Currently, generating a “masculine” R15 block rig with the default Rig Builder plugin in Studio will always create a rig that is scaled slightly incorrectly. This has been an issue ever since the plugin was updated in March 2023.

The block rig generated by the plugin happens to have its BodyTypeScale set to 0.3, and its ProportionScale set to 1, resulting in a rig that is slightly taller than the actual standard R15 sizing. Both of these scale values should instead be at 0.

These scale values happen to correspond with the property defaults for BodyTypeScale and ProportionScale on a new HumanoidDescription instance, so this is most likely an oversight with the HumanoidDescription that is being set up for the block rig.

Left - Standard R15 block rig.
Right - Block rig generated by the Rig Builder plugin.

(This also technically happens with the R6 masculine block rig, though R6 does not support scaling so there are no visual changes to the rig.)


  1. Open a new baseplate template in Studio.

  2. Navigate to the AVATAR tab and click on the Rig Builder button.

  3. Make sure “R15” and “Masculine” are selected, then click “Block Avatar”.

  4. Check the scale values under the HumanoidDescription of the newly-created rig. Notice how BodyTypeScale and ProportionScale are 0.3 and 1 respectively.


A workaround would just be to edit the corresponding NumberValue objects under the Humanoid, though this is kind of annoying to have to do every time I want to generate a block rig, especially since it is the most common type of rig I generate.


We will put in a fix for this issue


this should now be fixed in the latest Studio

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