Rigging Model Doesn't Play Animation?

I’m attempting to animate a block that spins around, spinning a light with it. Which works fine in the animation editor playing the animation how i want it.

However my issue is that the animation isn’t playing whatsoever once I’ve uploaded it and attempted to use it in work space.

I’m following this tutorial here: Complete guide to rigging and animating models!
Using the same method and script:


local loadedanimation = script.Parent.AnimationController:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Animation)

I’m certain i have everything in the correct parents etc as seen below:


Any help is greatly appreciated!

Alright, couple things to check,

  1. Make sure everything is unanchored
  2. Remove the humanoid and just leave the animation controller

Let me know if either of these work.


I just noticed the problem, the motor6d joint is under the child… In the tutorial, I went over parent and child in terms of animating… Im afraid you’ll need to re-rig the model, making sure you click the root then the “LightSource”.


I prefer to use the :WaitForChild(“Animation”) rather than what you are using.

Mhm, when I am actually programming a project I will, but the script I included is literally just to see the animation play. And using wait(1) also gives your character a bit of time to load so you don’t miss quite as much of it.

I see what you mean, just I prefer to use the WaitForChild method.

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Your method worked for me, but i’m attempting to put this into a vehicle which uses a weld script that requires the model to be anchored at first. But this is affecting the animation and stopping it from playing as a whole. Do you know a way to combat this issue by any chance?

Alright, so you can really stop that script from welding the rig without editing the script a good bit, what you can do, and what I suggest is pre-welding the car together…

I personally really enjoy this plugin by @PlaceRebuilder. Basically you just select all of the parts you want to weld and hit the button on the plug-in page… When I have rigs that has hundred of parts that not all move, this is the method I use pretty much everytime.

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