Right Shoes from "The Games" event have restricted cage meshes

Two right shoes obtained in “The Games” event currently have restricted cage mesh assets, so the right shoes are unable to properly wrap around avatars.

If you wear any of these right shoes, an error will appear in the output due to the cage meshes failing to load, and the shoe will fail to properly wrap around your foot. Compare it to the left shoe which works fine:


This is similar to a previous issue I reported, but this time only the cage meshes of the right shoes are restricted. No other event prizes for “The Games” have restricted assets.

Affected right shoes

Affected cage meshes

Both right shoes use the same two cage meshes.

Expected behavior

The cage meshes for the right shoes should not be restricted, so that the shoes can properly wrap around avatars in-experience.


Thank you for flagging this.

These are fixed now.

Let us know if you see otherwise.


The cage meshes are fixed, but now there’s a new small issue.

The WrapLayers of both left shoes and both right shoes previously had their Puffiness property set to -0.5, but now it’s set to 1 on the right shoes only. If you wear both shoes you can tell that one is slightly more inflated than the other one if you look closely.

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