Rig's Lower torso is not being animated in game

I have a R7 rig which basically uses R15’s torso system while maintaining the same R6 look.
Here’s how the rig is made:
The primary part is humanoid root part.

I have a crouch animation that lowers Lower torso of the rig, and in Moon Animator it seems to work just fine (it works in roblox default animation editor too):

However, when I play the same animation in game, the lower torso seems to not be affected:

I also tried playing the animation in moon on the starter character and not animation dummy, and it works well. I don’t know how to fix it so please help me!

I’m sure you did it correctly, but you’re character will not carry this over I believe due to the HipHeight, and it would be recommended if you did set the HipHeight to lower when crouch is enabled if you want to lower the Character.

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So in order to fix it I have to change the hip height of the rig? Do I have to do it once to get it work or I will have to do it everytime the “lower torso” moves to replicate it?

I changed the animation so that LowerTorso slowly moves up to notice if it works more clearly.
While the HipHeight does fix the problem with LowerTorso, the character still flies up. Is there any way to fix it? Or I will have to do some rigging magic so that the character will be on the floor with HipHeight being 2.

Try making the HipHeight negative.

It does work as well, but the result is even worse, as LowerTorso’s animation is mirrored (?) now. (HipHeight is -2)

I think you just lowered it too much.

The thing is that LowerTorso’s animation speed is affected by HipHeight.
So if I set HipHeight to -1, it will become slower (and 2 is roblox’s default). If I set it to 0 it will stop entirely.