Yeah I guess so, but even after looking through the code it looks like it does so much more than just look through a list.
So you’re telling me, you don’t care about the resource, but the code?
Bruv, It doesn’t matter how much code it took to make, all we care about is the resource.
Also my suggestion is remove the key code system and replace it to whitelist like what u did already but u need to add command system that only who can do the command only and the spesific command that add a person to whitelist like into datastore? That will be way better and whatever ur added that im still not using because to useless
that’s like commissioning me. Take what you get. Beggars can’t be choosers.
i think your miss understanding, im giving suggestion why ur mad. my opinion is to not using it doesnt mean this source is also useless for others. please be carefull reading before reply it
Maybe look into Deeplinking. It’s a new feature where you can basically create special links which may be a better method.
Sorry? How is that like they’re commissioning you? They’re just giving suggestions on how you can change and possibly fix your resource.
If you’re going to create a Community Resources post and get mad at everybody for trying to suggest ways to improve your resource, I think you shouldn’t have created the post at all.
Also in response to this;
Isn’t that the whole point of a Community Resource? The code is the most important part of code-related resources. Of course we’re going to judge it, and suggest on ways to improve it.
And in response to this as well;
WHY ARE YOU GETTING MAD AT PEOPLE FOR CRITICIZING? When you create a Community Resource post, you have to be ready for these kind of things. Don’t respond to their criticism by saying WHY ARE YOU CRITICIZING SO MUCH, but instead ask on ways to improve your resource.
Now, that we’re at the end and reviewed all of this information, my final verdict is that you’re extremely immature and possibly too young to be on the DevForum.
(Too much? I think not.)
I think that you should learn how to respond to criticism and suggestions in a better way other than feeling insulted by them.
You should be using a webserver instead to securely store your keys in.
Securing your keys in pastebin is not reliable, because they can easily be leaked and anyone can access pastebin. Having your own webserver, allows you to block IP’s from getting requests of your website.
Fr tho, he doesn't know what constructive-criticism is.
I was hoping to create a resource that didn’t require creating your own web-server, but I’d definitely like to see one (I’m not very experienced in web-developing)
Would you mind explaining how these keys would be leaked if only the game owner had the link to the pastebin?
I bet I could’ve done a better job at staying more calm, but after something happened I was sorta mad and that shaped my replies.
I hope I can try do a better job next time.
Well, learn a bit of NodeJS, there are tutorials on youtube (will require learning JS). The reason why how these keys can be leaked, is that pastebin is pretty much used by anyone. Their API can also be down sometimes and if a data breach or anything vulnerable happen, the source of your keys will become a victim to it.
Having your own webserver allows you to add your own database (again more tutorials online of it), and have control to it. You can learn a bit of JWT tokens which you can either use as access keys themselves, or keys as a authorization header when requesting a access key from your webserver.
Hosting your own webserver from your own host computer will require port-forwarding, however there are many other hosting websites such as Heroku, and Replit (which is free).
I could possibly make 2 versiosn of Ro-Access, one using pastebin and another using replit…
It’s better to stick one rather to make 2 separate versions.
While the idea of this sounds great, games that actually use this have a big chance of getting taken down.
“Paid” Games are not able to receive premium payouts, this system, though not directly, kind of breaks that rule. Since access is possible for anyone, premium payouts will still be provided.
I see… Maybe you could have a paid acc- oh nvm that breaks the system…
The idea is nice, maybe if roblox provided a way to disable Premium payouts?
That would be a great feature.