Roblox 2019 Events Update

That is absolutely true though. That would be something I would do.

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I know simulator devs likely wouldn’t do it. But that just means people need to work to outcompete them. It only takes a few big players to make a dent.

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They shouldn’t be cancelling something that has been far planned and hyped up the community. It just makes things worse than they could ever be.

I never seen simulator devs doing so either. Glad not, but hard working developers who work on something with unique gameplay should and probably wouldn’t have much of a problem doing so knowing that their game technics are probably not overused in such a way to bring such boredom. At least by my opinion.

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I just made the person I replied to, clear that Egg Hunt is not going to be cancelled, I agree with you though.

This year maybe. But no more egg hunts after this year.

Yes, I know. Since they stated that seasonal will also be gone, which is a pretty weird and low move. Roblox sponsors months events meaning they would never do such a change. But apparently they sadly did.

This change hurts players enough to affect developers. Killswitching and banding together would be the only way to accentuate this to Roblox.


I really hope that roblox will notice all this and cooperate with us developers. There are positive and negative arguments about all of this. I do not understand, why not be neutral and do both?


I think it’s safe to say this is the last egg-hunt ever. Even the idea of a MEGA BIG EGGHUNT ACROSS 50 GAMES sends some huge :triangular_flag_on_post: flags and when I first saw that, my first thoughts were "yeah it's getting removed" and lord behold, I was right

I’m not really bothered about the monthly events actually and don’t mind them vanishing. I’d rather have at least 4 events a year giving some breathing room for each event, Egghunt, Bloxy and 2 other events.

Given how annoyingly stubborn Roblox has been lately, I don’t think a response will be given or a very late one that probably creates even further confusion. I still don’t fully really understand the “LiveOps” system so I’ll just wait in confusion and stress until it finally happens I guess. Generally negative/risky updates seemed to have always been under the official Roblox discourse account.

As my final remarks, an egghunt without our loyal, good, blessed and pure soul and the boi gurt is not an egghunt I want to take part in. Bringing so many memories to children worldwide surely, a honourable universal legend for all.


I like this idea. It could be signified as a peaceful protest. To be honest, everything we do here in this thread can go unnoticed. Literally, Roblox could just choose to not read it at all. It’s been a habit of theirs to ignore us on topics like this unfortunately…

But this can show how serious we are about it. But for this, we need many front-page devs on board. I don’t want to mention names, but you guys know who you are. And instead of just flipping this switch, do something with your thumbnails related to “bring events/egg hunt events back”. I know you guys collaborated on things like that in the past (shape thumbnails, robbie appearing on them, etc.), and you can definitely do it again. This will, not only catch Roblox’s attention, make others who have been completely oblivious to this aware and eager to learn more.

Of course, this would have to be organized. It would be way more powerful if most front-page devs did it all of a sudden instead of over time (although the latter is still definitely powerful). All I can say is that our hope is in their hands as Roblox, one of the biggest and best online game engines to date, doesn’t listen to the pleas of their community (or at least disclose information why a change is being made).


It is cancelled, they’re just going on with this year’s hunt since they created tons of assets for it before they made the decision to cancel it.

Like how television studios cancel a program but they still have a few more episodes to air.

After this final Egg Hunt, there wont be anymore of any event.


I don’t see developers boycotting this change, I instead see developers using this as marketing gimmick since seasonal events being canceled is the hottest topic among the Roblox community currently.

It’s possible that developers that participate or endorse this protest could potentially end up receiving bias or even punished for malicious behavior.

The only way this could even be remotely effective is if every developer temporarily disables all microtransactions including paid access. Roblox won’t revert this change unless sales drastically drop as that’s how a business works.

Majority of the developers value wealth over an old tradition that has been around since the beginning , so this is it. The seasonal events are ending and there’s nothing you or I can do about it. I recommend reading this article before anyone considers doing something irrational such as participating in this alleged boycott.

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I never said I would boycott over this. However, the increasing brevity of the negative update cycle is enough that such a killswitch would not be a bad idea. Also, my games are going to be free to play, pay for QOL. Hence I don’t need to turn off anything - besides, if I flipped said killswitch it’d just block all dev products (which are probably the most purchased things in a game) and wouldn’t appear any different than everyone no longer buying my products.

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I can’t read the article, I don’t have WSJ. DX

And yes, it’d only be logical to temporarily disable these micro-transactions in protest. Doing it permanently would ruin the developers’ lives who rely on Roblox. Your reply is in concordance with one of my others:

Yes, there are things we can do. We can’t force Roblox to change, but we can do our best to fight against it. Also, we aren’t forcing people to help: We aren’t holding a gun to badccvoid’s head saying, “Disable microtransactions now”. They only help if they want to.


Players buy robux to spend in games. Sometimes they’ll buy a little to make an outfit, sure.

But if the games just all start saying “we won’t take your robux”, people will stop buying robux to spend there and also will not spend any they have, if you manage to keep them around through the period you disable purchasing.

That’s the whole point of a strike, if you don’t drastically impact the company’s revenue then your demands won’t be met. However with that being said I don’t encourage this act of rebellious behavior as this company doesn’t play fairly once you cross them. As the old saying goes Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

I believe people are overreacting. They never said they would remove sponsored events. And usually it’s us developers making the games for those events. Maybe it’s a change, but we have survived no monthly events before, and we will certainly survive it again.

It’s probably hard to make new catalog items for every single event as well

That’s a valid point, however I believe the majority is more outraged about the tradition of maintaining seasonal events is coming to an end.

Personally I won’t miss sponsored events, most weren’t enjoyable to say the least.


The way I understood it they would keep the traditional egg hunt but get rid of the random monthly ones. Did I misunderstand?