Roblox 2019 Events Update

Live-ops is actually starting May 16.

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Well, I am sure it will be something decent. This is a big change and I am sure this will go well. I just want to see how these developer ran events go. Beesmas was amazing and I want to see more of that everyday with this Live-Ops. Plus it was very unique at the time, it didnā€™t give prizes but it gave badges which is fine to my standards. They did also have a lobby and how they just did that was amazing. I had to say, @Mah_Bucket and all the developers who worked on that really did a spectacular job. I hope this Live-Ops makes something like Beesmas everyday and I really hope developers could take this as inspiration from the work the developers of Beesmas have risen.


The event tab is no longer displayed in the side menu.

Are we allowed to add badges for to tie in with the new in-game promotions?

I think this is probably the first year where I didnā€™t try to get all of the eggs. There was simply too many games to explore this year, rather than everything being in a single game that you actually had to explore & find where they are, rather than treading through 40 different games, completing challenges in each.

It didnā€™t feel like a traditional Roblox egghunt and that was disappointing.


Agreed, I as well have always collected every egg but this year I managed 10, did not get the rest, most missions took around 20-30 mins to complete and it did not feel like your average Roblox egg hunt, I feel like overall, Roblox needs to keep the egg hunt like it always has been like, and monthly events need to come back.


Itā€™s hereeeee

Iā€™m interested to see how many players they get

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Roblox should really use higher-rez icons for that page, it looks kinda cheap and yucky having the icons be all blurry/pixelated. :frowning:


Liveops really did a nice job boosting our gameā€™s activity and revenue! My high hopes for dev ops paid off.


I agree with that, to be honest.

Honest seems this Live Ops event is a real kick. It is nice to see a bunch of games with in-game events with 4 games each event. I want to see how they then switch to new games. Whether they have an intermission or just switch in just a few minutes. I really hope this gives a close enough feeling to an event we can enjoy all the time without needing the long wait between events (possibly weeks) as time lasted between 2 sponsored events. Plus there are tons of games that are being made to be showcased on this developers event, there really is no shortage of games.

It was a sort of new idea, but it was ruined. Now, I wonā€™t be rude about how the event was. But I felt like it was lazily made with very little content and effort. Really felt that the hub wasnā€™t thought through enough and everything there felt empty. They had enough time to make it worth it but it didnā€™t go out well and it is a disappointment to have this be the end of egg huntsā€¦ or really just any event. But honest seems Live-Ops is doing itā€™s job very well. Gotta give it credit.

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Whilst Iā€™m fine with the idea of Live-Ops in itself, the fact that there canā€™t be catalog items doesnā€™t really give many players an incentive to play, in my opinion. Iā€™m not saying events were amazing, but the reason so many did them was because of the free catalog items.


That is amazing!! Canā€™t wait till we can apply for live-ops.

This is because Roblox removed events. :ā€™(


It is re-added for Live Ops. Keep in mind, while event prizes arenā€™t given out. Badges giving in game prizes is half decent.

How I see it, players would join games for catalog items, then leave and never come back; thatā€™s what I did lol.
With this new change, although there might be less potential players playing, more of them will actually spend time playing the game.
I donā€™t see how this is any different from being on the featured sort though other it being on a separate page, and there being a little blurb beside the icon (I wonder how many players will actually read those though).


Oh haha, true. That is a good reason. Since everyone does that pretty much. Server hopping is common with these kinds of events. Now that Live-Ops comes in, they do benefit the games a bit more as well as the players in a different way.

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Well, I kinda agree with this updates, it stop players using cheats to get old-time Roblox items, as you saw in greenlegocats, might be a bit UN-topic but he said that there are cheats to get items from events when they expired, it was smart to remove it and get in-game badges along with promocodes you can get.

8wa showed that the results of the live-ops was substantial and good. However, I do not think this should replace seasonal events and monthly events. First off, it might just be better to have an event every other month, that way they can be worked on more. Second, seasonal events are tradition on Roblox and everybody is excited to participate. Seasonal events should be kept in one game so that way people can use Robux to buy upgrades and make it easier to collect some items. Whereas if it was server hopping like the egg hunt itā€™s more of get the egg then leave, or get the hat then go. In short, both types of events are needed to improve games, but live-ops isnā€™t fully bad.