Roblox 2019 Events Update

I can confirm this
Our team originally sent a request in a couple months ago and they did end up contacting us back about doing it but then afterward ghosted us until we sent another request in a few months later
We finally got added to the live-ops last week and it was a pretty small player boost of maybe 200-300
Not enough for a team of 3 trying to eat and pay bills


So, The last time I ever checked this image Was 4 months ago. I just get used to seeing this and don’t bother clicking it anymore. Is it just me or is the event thing Just gotten old and is no fun has it used to be?


Other than for wiki documentation purposes I have clicked the button only a couple of times and I have never once played a single game listed in there. What’s the point? Most of the games featured on there I either have no interest in or don’t feature any prizes I actually want. I was inspired to play events in the past because I could collect free items, some of which were actually really cool. Now there is no reason for me to attend these “events” as they don’t offer anything I want.


That is the same for me. Really no point. I Miss the old rewards at that. I am all for sponsoring developers. But to replace events with this was just the most stupidest change to roblox. They should also do what they did for top games page and add live op event. To help with getting more views.


Please consider reverting back to getting developers to make official events. Right now the This Week on Roblox tab is relatively rarely used, as it just blends into the website because it’s been there so long and on top of that, I haven’t seen anybody who is happy about the lack of a Halloween event this year. It’s just depressing to see that Roblox is doing absolutely nothing for Halloween this year. Roblox events are some of people’s greatest memories on the website, and now future players won’t be able to make those memories.

Sure you could argue that developers can make events for their own games, which is what Roblox is encouraging, but it’s just not the same as having an official event. You can’t receive hats and it just doesn’t feel the same as having an official game.


On top of this, players often participate in events strictly to obtain said items and are far less likely to join an event game that doesn’t offer official rewards. I haven’t met a single person who has checked out the “This Week On ROBLOX” tab and honestly I wonder what the statistics are for the amount of players actually looking at and joining games through that sort of system.


We haven’t heard anything about the bloxy awards. Are those also considered seasonal events and are gone forever?


I would imagine that the Bloxy Awards would still go ahead, nominations for them seem to go up from about late October to early-mid November. Plus, it’s a decent marketing opportunity for them + games involved due to award hype and they tend to be different enough from the former monthly/seasonal events to my knowledge.


Normally they would announce the theater applications around this time. Still no application for this year


Ah, didn’t see that. That is a bit concerning then. Personally I’d be surprised if they didn’t host them in 2020 but given the direction of events as of late it wouldn’t be surprising to see them scrap the theatre and just do them some other way, or just not host them at all.

I hope this isn’t the case.


On the other hand they are working on making the UGC catalog to work with Developer events.


I guess this means events will be out of ROBLOX’s hands almost entirely. Hopefully this turns out to be for the best.


I believe Roblox events should be continued until atleast UGC events that reward items are out. Roblox seems to be killing its festivities and handing that over to developers who can’t even reward players with festive items as Roblox has done for years.


Yes that is true. But like roblox likes to do lets publish things when we are not ready for them to be published!


Yeah, it just seems like roblox is pushing everything onto the developers. We get the developer-based platform, but UGC? Only a few creators right now can use it, and they haven’t implemented any way for live-ops games to give out UGC items.

(Pardon my reply, i wanted to push two posts at once)

Roblox has just been pushing updates like these to make their responsibility lessen, but getting rid of what was tradition has made me very angry. Eight years on this platform, and what made the community so great is gone. Most of the Live-Ops games are those that you join for two seconds and shrug. The content will never be the same as events.


UGC… is in beta. It’s obviously not done yet and they’re trying to make it not ‘end up like shirts and pants’.


I can understand where your anger is coming from, and I don’t blame you. However, UGC is still early in development. There is plenty needed to be taken care of for this feature to be suitable for more and more creators. Before they can let these UGC catalog items be awarded in games, they need to finalize the UGC feature a bit before they may push it out there like that.


Finally got my game accepted for live op. Post stats on how it does here once over. See if this actually boost player visits.


Game will be featured for a third time this Thursday. All I can say is, if your game is monetized correctly, based on the past 2 events for me, you should see about 100,000+ visit a day and around 80,000-100,000+ Robux per day.


Are there any plans to make application responses, so that developers have an understanding of why their LiveOps app might have been declined?