Roblox 2019 Events Update

This seems like a great opportunity for Roblox Developers!
It’s a great feature to give Developer’s more chances of having their game showcased by ROBLOX.

Great job, ROBLOX!

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Sounds like a great opportunity to bring back tix :wink:

Maybe using this new feature Developers could award tix instead of giving away something on the catalog. And these Tix can be acquired from multiple games, running multiple events that can eventually be used to purchase something from the Catalog. Maybe a set of items on rotation or something or Avatar Bundles.

Meanwhile, having a game on Live-Ops for a total of 24 hours all by itself seems kinda bad. It doesn’t give the players much option as to what they want to check out. I feel like having 3 on rotation for the duration of the event would be much better. If you’d like to stick to the 24 hour format though, Player’s should be able to subscribe to the game’s event, to receive a notification for when the event is over, That way the player can still participate in said event when the game disappears from the Live-Ops display without the player thinking the event was only for 24 hours.

You’re pretty much limiting every developer here… to a 24 hour event. That’s very limiting.

Also pretty much anything Developers don’t make ourselves is third party content. By that, anything on the library is third party content. I take it we shouldn’t use this in our games if we want to be featured on Live-Ops? The wording doesn’t exactly specify it, even though you included the Terms of Service we are still left to interpret amongst ourselves. So forgive me if this is a bit obvious and I’m just not catching on.

Isn’t the new update notifications the prominent feature for doing this?

I feel like if developers were already able to create and sell gear, as well as other items that could go onto the catalog this feature wouldn’t be that bad. I mean half the assets on the catalog is already falling apart and barely works. Nothing particularly works with Skully… if this is what Roblox calls keeping high quality on the Catalog then us Developers could definitely do better. no offense

If all of the above is met, then this really wouldn’t bother me. Though I don’t think that the seasonal events that Roblox sponsor, should ever go away really. There’s no reason for it ever to go away. While it is nice to pass this kind of control to developers, it feels like the platform itself is pawning off a problem it just simply don’t want to solve anymore.

On the plus if this gives Roblox engineers more time to focus on developing new features, and feature requests… then I’m all for it.


It sounds like a good idea, because if Roblox takes away the events they would have to give us something in return.


But, with features every day, people will stop caring shortly after for any new games added to the Live-Ops event. Unlike events that we have now, there will be little incentive for them to play, and will just be a glorified version of the featured tab on the games page. If they aren’t interested in the featured places, they won’t need the in-game reward.

Compare this to an onsite accessories or gears that they can take into almost every game. Even if they don’t like the game, they will still join and complete the objectives to get the hats or whatever prizes are available, and might start enjoying the game.

TL;DR: People won’t care for rewards if they don’t mean anything to them.


Only responding to one of your points: ever since Roblox added the following feature where you can follow games and get updates from the developers it makes it possible for devs to notify their followers whenever they do a big update/hold a special event in their game/literally anything else.


Exactly, this kinda makes that feature a bit redundant especially for already established games. This new feature is gonna have a mass backlog of 24 hour games, where it’s gonna take months starting out to get featured, In other words, it’s gonna be like the feature request category considering the volume of applications.


if I had a downvote button I’d use it on this post

why do we need to get rid of events? how will people get free items, events are something a ton of users look forward to. especially not being able to make catalog items. why no more catalog items? what could possibly be a downside to that


As a kid I used to absolutely love doing events to get the free items and not be a “bacon hair”. I feel like with rewards plus these events only being limited to 24hrs that free players will just gloss over it and go play their regular game.

Even now, I’ll only go into the featured sort if I want some new game to find and try out. Most of my friends don’t usually explore the featured sort.

At least seasonal events are not being cut. Yet.


there are pros and cons to this

while the new version of events will work as a way for devs to get more plays, a lot of people will lose interest in the whole event things since it would happen daily and there would be no incentive to play them since you get no free items.

Plus I think that the community will have a hard time letting this go, people are still talking about tix and egg hunt 2015 like they happened yesterday.

Also, I personally don’t think events like the egg hunt are dead just yet since we still have this year and the egg hunt is more than an easter thing it’s more of a Roblox thing where the entire Roblox community search for a ton of items inside one game even if it sometimes is multiple games and I think that the results would definitely not end well if we cut it but still even that could die

but in conclusion, while this update has its merits I think that the backlash outweighs the pros.


I agree. I don’t understand at all why events need to get cut.

ROBLOX usually always sponsors their events, that’s how they make revenue. Companies often pay lots of money for sponsorships.

I have been playing ROBLOX since 2014, and this is my fifth year playing this game. I have played almost all the events from 2014 to now. – Just today I managed to complete the Pizza Party Event; It might of been easy for the most part, but the great part about it was meeting amazing Admins, Influencers, and Developers who work hard on their content and try to offer a great experience.

I highly hope they don’t cancel the seasonal events, last year’s Egg Hunt was great and honestly brought a lot of people together. Some people have made friends playing these events, these events let you work together and try to accomplish what they set out to do. These events are big and people can’t wait to play them.

I’m trying to remain optimistic about this, thank you for reading this. I hope you can all agree with what I had to say.


I really don’t know what ROBLOX’s future is in the upcoming years, We will just have to wait and see.


I really hope they dont remove events, I participated in the recent Pizza Event and it was really fun giving out free stuff to fans. Events for Roblox is like a tradition lol.

This special ops event does seem pretty fun though!


same, too. i hope they don’t remove them in the near future, can’t live without them because they’re fun to get stuff and also fun to help others to get it.


There are a lot of other communities on Roblox that don’t play the actual games on the site, but when one of the big events happens people who never play come back to play.

Also are we all forgetting about the Ready Player One Event, one of the best events on the site in my opinion.

Basically what I am trying to say is the Roblox Events are what bring more people in, games can already make there own “Big Updates” no need to just take away something that everyone loves for something people already do.


This gives a greater opportunity for events to be more community-led as the community increases. Events (especially seasonal events) require time, costs, and resources, and by this point it makes so much more sense to have events made by game developers instead of making the Roblox staff do it, or spend money on hiring developers.


we will never forget about the last events. :frowning:


It might be a decent change for new game developers (like me) but replacing events is definitely not ideal for the majority of Roblox Community.


This aint it chief

This just aint it

This might be good if it was an ADDITION to events instead of replacing it


I agree, I don’t really see a direct relationship between featured games and events. Addition is definitely better than replacement in this case


We just have to have faith in ROBLOX, I know that ROBLOX has made a few iritating updates in the past. But maybe this update isn’t exactly what we think it is.

Let’s just wait and see what happens… We still have the Egg Hunt to look forward to, afterall! :slight_smile:


I’m all for new ways that allow for more developers to promote their game to the public. It’s conceptually a great way to give new games a deserving chance at gaining attraction. Regardless if it’s successful, this is a worthy approach to helping smaller games.

However, why can’t there be both Monthly Events and Live-Ops? I don’t understand why this new feature has to replace something that was already working. Monthly events are great at connecting the community with each other, regardless if they were original or sponsored. It was always a fun hunt to get all of the goodies through an array of games. These quests often lead to me (as well as many others) to playing games I’ve never taken the time to play before. I believe I speak for the majority when I say that, without the prizes, I never would’ve found myself interested in playing in many of the event games. It was never until after playing for a prize that I became invested.

Here is what I recollect my experiences to be like with events: “Oh look, a new event. I wonder what the prizes are! I haven’t played those games before. Awesome, I’m going to check them out then.” Proceeds to then play the game(s), and to then make a few purchases and new friends in the process of hunting for the goodies. Thus, generating exposure, revenue, and a newfound investment in a game I never cared about beforehand.

I think one of the biggest challenges with the monthly events is that they are often hosted by the same games, and therefore lose their purpose at enlightening the community on different games. It is rare to see any smaller game host a piece of an event. Because of this, events at times can sometimes feel blended together.

But regardless if the game is reused or new, people have and will continue to play these events because of the prizes. Even if developers under the Live-Op program promote their own in-game exclusive item, it won’t ever match the degree of exposure that catalog items create. That is not to say that the Live-Op program is bad, but that monthly events will undeniably hold more authority.

Solution: Have both. Designate more monthly events to games that are either new or have never partaken in any event before. If designing the prizes is ever a costly problem, have the community develop the prizes. Maybe groups of smaller games can band together to create their own ideas for an event, their prizes, and event page. All that would theoretically be left is the Roblox’s permission.

If anything, these together will blossom both Roblox’s community and any upcoming games.