Roblox account deletion should result in a DevForum ban

Why should Roblox “improve” moderation? Rather, why should someone still be allowed on the devforum if they are terminated on Roblox? Terminations can be undone, so it’s not really the end of the world if your account is unusable for a few days/weeks. It’s not right to continue being on the devforum if you got terminated on Roblox. And this would apply to terminations, not temporary 1-14 day bans. Your account is still here, not terminated, so this shouldn’t affect you.


Okay, but the point is

This topic isn’t a place to rant about Roblox moderation – it is a feature request to apply terminations (see: terminations) on here. The topic has been derailed enough already.

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is this an incredibly large concern

if it is, just see if they are banned and dont do deals with them and hey, maybe they’ll appeal and get unbanned


Might be unfair, roblox might ban you for a dodgy reason that even they themselves disagree with upon review and dev forum would be one of the quickest ways to bring attention to it

We’re planning a change that automatically updates login status on the forum depending on what happens on

This would include logging people out if their moderation status changes.

I see some people suggest that the DevForum can be used for appealing account bans. This is not correct, for appealing a ban you should follow the steps on our support form at Support - Roblox. The teams who can repeal a moderation action on your account do not monitor the DevForum for these requests.


True, I don’t see why people say its bad. I mean, other sites respond in 2 months. Roblox responds in 3 weeks

Yes, this should have been added as a feature a long time ago.

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A problem with Roblox account deletion with DevForum ban is that Roblox and DevForum have different Terms of Service (i mean roblox terms of service is different from discourse terms of service)
If a user severely violates Discourse’s Terms of Service which requires an account termination, will this result in a Roblox account deletion? redirects to

So the devforum terms are the same as on Roblox.


Found one: Terms of Service - Discourse Meta

Yeah those are the tos of that forum and only that forum, Roblox has full control of their instance and can add their own rules and terms of service.

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When coming to the DevForum, they have to agree to the TOS tree:

  1. Obey Discourse TOS
  2. Obey Roblox TOS
  3. Obey DevForum TOS

If a user severely violates either the DevForum TOS or Discourse TOS, it may render their DevForum accounts to get terminated

Edit: Discourse TOS is irrelevant. It actually belongs to another forum. Therefore each forum has its own TOS

No, that’s not how it works. Discourse is open source software so it’s just a matter of downloading the source code on a server and you have an instance of discourse up and running. There is no contract or whatever that you have to sign that says their terms of service are immutable across all instances. So it’s about not violating the Roblox terms of use, since the devforum inherits the terms of use from the main website.


@sjr04 has the correct solution. Discourse’s default template for the “terms” has nothing to do with Roblox TOS.


I agree with this. I can only image a player got his appeal rejected and is extremely mad, so he goes to the devforums and starts to spread misinformation, lies, trolling people by telling them how to do something that will potentially cause bad things to happen, Spreading false rumors about roblox development and might convince people that Roblox development is the worse and they should leave it. This is the worse-case scenario of what could happen.

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I have an idea :smirk:
If the Roblox DevForum used the same software as the (now-discontinued) original Roblox Forums, if at any point their Roblox account gets terminated, the action is replicated to the DevForum thus would proactively reduce risk associated with banned users (such as misuse of the forums for account appeals and posting inappropriate content)

Here’s my suggestion:

When your account gets moderated, Roblox’s policy is that you have 30 days to appeal the moderation. If you don’t attempt to appeal the account moderation within 30 days after your account got moderated, you will be unable to appeal.

My idea is that terminated users get to stay on Roblox during the 30 day period. As soon as that 30 day period is up and if the account still hasn’t been reinstated, then we can ban the user.

My idea probably has flaws. Please let me know them :slight_smile:


It doesn’t The DevForums use Discourse, while the old forums used Roblox’s original software, as the old DevForums did. Discourse is much better, more clean, faster, and everything about it is better. Roblox removed some themes and badges that I wish that were here though cough cough…dark air…cough cough

Edit: the OG DevForums used Kunena Forum


It’s just an SSO issue, it doesn’t require new forums with all of the trouble found with that. I don’t expect it to need that severe of an action.

Strong no. Users can appeal during the 30 day window as normal but only when their appeal is accepted can return back.

We don’t need users who violate the rules to remain on the platform. We don’t need bad actors posting extreme adult content or highly racist content an extra 30 days on the platform.

When you’re banned, that’s the end of the road until you can appeal it or until it’s over.

@Hooksmith Any update on that SSO update?


This is still in the backlog. Some other work came up that is needed as a prerequisite to implementing this feature. (auto-updating profile and access as your Roblox account updates, including when moderated)