Roblox app crashes immediately after I open it

Hello, I have a strange issue where the Roblox app (from their website) crashes when it is opened. I am unable to do anything with it because it just crashes. There is no error message, it just closes after it opens. I can only see the app for a split second until it closes.

I did see when I first opened it today, the app showed “Installing Roblox” then the next time it opened, it crashed. The issue only started happening today and I was able to use it without this problem previously.

I have tried uninstalling Roblox and restarting my computer. However, none of that helped.

If it helps, I have Windows 11.

Does anyone know how I might be able to fix this?


Does it close straight away (like doesn’t get into the game)
also if you are a Bitdefender user there is an issue causing Roblox being unable to open


Yes, the app closes immediately after opening it, I am not even able to see the games list.

I do not have Bitdefender, I have Norton. Do you think that it may be the same incompatibility?


Could be i haven’t used Norton in years so I’m not too sure how to add an exception there.

but if you can add an exception for C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-faaebc838e2e45f6\RobloxPlayerBeta.exe (Replace Username with your username)

and try to launch it again

let me know if that works


if this doesn’t work, type %appdata% into your search bar, once your there you’ll see local, locallow, and roaming, go to local and find the roblox folder, delete it, uninstall your roblox, then reinstall it. This allows all of your roblox data and the app itself to be brand new.


Sorry for taking a while to respond, however, I have just tried this with no luck. I added a “real-time exclusion” for the file you said and Roblox still crashed.
I have also scanned the file and it shows as not a threat, but I am unsure if that means it will not block it.

Just an update to this: I disabled Norton’s auto-protect, Roblox still crashed


Sorry for taking a while to respond as well, but this also didn’t fix the issue. I deleted the folder and uninstalled it with Control Panel. When reinstalling, I went to play a game and pressed “Download and install Roblox”.


does it show the Roblox Player loading box and then nothing happens? If thats what happens, are you on Windows 11 Insider Preview?


When opening the app, it shows the menu in the corner of the screen, compressed into a small shape. The rest seems to be light blue background, but I am not sure. The app then promptly closes after less than a second. There is no visible loading bar or box shown

I am not a member of the Windows Insider Programme, but I have “Get the latest updates as soon as they’re available” turned on. However, from my understanding, it is only the latest stable Windows release.


so what im getting from this is that you see something instead of not seeing anything atall even if its just for a second right?


I can see this screen for just under a second before it closes, after struggling to get a screenshot I can see the background is not blue

It takes around 6 seconds to open this page and it closes shortly after


thats interesting, i have never gotten this issue


see if you can get a log from C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Roblox\logs
make sure it ended with _PLAYER or something along the lines of that


There are lots of them. All made at the time I have tried opening it. Do you need me to send a specific part of them?

I found this, which seems to be the cause of the problem

Warning: HTTP error code:`401`
HTTP error body:`{"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"Unauthorized"}]}`

This seems to only appear in the first (earliest) error log


Hm. Weird? Try Logging back into roblox on the web browser.

does it end there or is there a line that says ERROR at all?


There are no lines with “error” however there are some warnings
such as:

Warning [FLog::Output] Unrecognized Protocol Arg: roblox-player:1
Warning [FLog::Output] Unrecognized Protocol Arg: launchmode:play
Warning [FLog::Output] Unrecognized Protocol Arg: launchexp:InApp
[FLog::Warning] UserAgentString Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoRoblox/WinInetRobloxApp/0.600.1.6000716 (GlobalDist; RobloxDirectDownload) is set

I do not know much about logs so I do not know if this is normal.

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I should probably also say that it ends with this

[FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 3440x1369
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seems normal since i get those in every log however the previous error I do not get.

401 means:
the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource

not sure why that would be happening but try updating windows if you can and clear your roblox cookies


are you able to launch roblox just fine when launching the shortcut on the desktop?

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The “Roblox Player” app is crashing no matter how I launch it.
The Microsoft Store “Roblox” app seems to work like normal
Roblox Studio is also working normally