A Private Message is associated to this post with Log Dump, you can see that in sessions where the client crashes the unregisterMemoryPrioritizationCallback is inserted While in a normal session where it doesn’t crash, it isn’t inserted in log dump.
Expected behavior
Client Should Not Crash and you should be able to play for hours without crashing.
All attached log files show a normal application exit triggered by user.
I recommend removing the current log files and playing until Roblox crashes to make sure the latest log file is from the session with the crash and not from any other successful session.
I Played yesterday with my friend and the crash Happened again (Game Freeze and close without a reason), as you said i cleared all my log before starting playing
After searching a bit i found that this solution might help, i unistalled my oculus software / app (https://oculus.com/) and roblox Apparently stopped closing randomly.
Might think that at this point is somethig related to this software.
An update on this after deleting Ocolus software I am no longer facing this problem. So the issue is due to that software as someone else reported, I suggest looking at this point what’s wrong with Ocolus software file.
Thank you, you can close this post as my problem is resolved.