Roblox AutoPilot

This is a roblox AI auto pilot, you can type what ever you want to go to, it uses AI to find the location out of your message and will take you there, like tesla auto pilot
I never saw tesla, so this car might be funny

I’ve tested this AI Autopilot on a much grander map


This is great. For those who doesn’t want to drive but also doesn’t want teleportations to ruin their gameplay, auto cars are the best


Yes, also it can travel upto 2500 studs, roblox path finder can find paths which are far too, so you can simply do this auto pilot

might be a good script for car games like jailbreak for exploiters to use

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There’s an upper limit on the Pathfinding Service, I believe the higher you go the less resolution your resolved path will have. So you could navigate a 100 stud path through a hole slightly bigger then your car, or a 1000 stud path through an open field, but not a 1000 stud path through a hole slightly bigger then your car.

Yeah but this might be laggy, because its a 500 line script

Yes, the limit is 500 studs, it does not work beyond 500 studs

You can push that limitation like If the player reached the first 500 studs, make it go to the other 500 studs smthn like that

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Tesla’s been quite ever since this came out. Nice creation! Keep up the good work

Thanks ;D

I actually made a working car for the first time, but I did not know how to make it move manually, so i instead made it auto pilot


Bro I wish I could make this, nice job!


Thanks for your compliment ;D, it was hard making it, but it was fun after making it

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Wow! Thats what I call talent. I like the use of it and I believe it will be revolutionary for Roblox games!

And of course I love the car model! :joy:

Great Job!

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robloxapp-20220303-2029085.wmv (8.1 MB)
Here is another video of auto pilot, in a much larger map, however sometimes roblox path finding does not work for big maps, so the auto pilot did not go to one road in the video

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But that isn’t possible, roblox won’t detect above 500 studs, and if you loop it roblox will block the thing

No I meant create a new pathfind every time 500 studs is reached, not loop through it.

But how would you cut the total length into 500 studs and how would you make the car go there

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Me as a scripter myself … dosent know how to achieve this, it’s so complicated, try asking scripting support.

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Ok wait, I have an idea, it’s not gonna work perfectly but it will give you a head start

So 2500 studs right? Do something like this

local num = 2500
local numberoftables = {}
if num > 0 then
num -= 500
until num <= 0

Dosent work with studs like 2501 but works with numbers if divided by 500 and belongs to N

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Yes but since a scripter since 4 years, I can try to tell you a better way, so you can also learn look

local totalstuds = (startpos- endpos).magnitude
local todivide = math.floor(totalstuds/500)

if todivide > 500 then
  local range = math.cos(todivide/2)
  local numberofranges = range/todivide
  local roadatfivehundredstuds = nil
  for x = 1,150 do
      if workspace.Position =,numberofranges,x) then
        road = x

I will show you how it works:

It divides the total length by 500 then it casts a region3 with radius as 250 and diameter of 500

With region3 functions, we detect the roads at that region

Then we ray cast to find if its a road or baseplate

This is quite hard to do but it might work

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