Roblox beam rotates images the wrong way, getting extremely frustrating

I’ll keep it plain and simple. I’m making a touhou ofuda attack, but roblox loves rotating the image the wrong way no matter how much I mess with the image. Here are some things I tried:

The beam still does this ^

I’m losing my mind.


Anyone know what’s going on? I still have issues.

No solution yet, please help.


Hello fellow Touhou fan, consider reading the following forum post as the issue is pretty similar.

Or if the above solution doesn’t work for you, may you ensure that all of the properties are correctly set?

Unfortunately I rotate it 90 degrees and it will always be sideways for some very odd reason. No explanation yet.

May I have your Texture ID and permission to use for further testing?

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Yep! 100%


I’m having issues copy and pasting it for some reason, do you mind if you use the images?

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I may have found the problem, the images you have given aren’t actually rotated 90 degrees, here is the modified texture image that should be properly rotated and a demonstration of it.

You’re amazing!!! TYSM!