Roblox cannot start up. User code = 0x1

This error has been around for quite some time, and I’ve never found a fix for it. Now that RBXDev is up I might finally be able to get an answer to this question.

Every time I join a game a dialog pops up saying “Roblox cannot start up. User code = 0x1”. If I click OK the game exits, and if I try to close it same result. This also seems to prevent me from uploading any model or place.

I’ve had this for a couple of months and I’ve had to move to a old laptop to actually upload the place. Help me!

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I hope anyone with knowledge could respond ASAP.

Did you try…
-restarting the computer?
-disabling any antivirus programs?
-reinstalling ROBLOX?

Yes. All of the above.

Eh, hello? :S

What’s your…
-installed RAM?
-graphics card?

I’m running Windows 7 with an Intel Core i5-2430M. Installed RAM is 8 gigabytes. My graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M.

Now I have a couple questions. Has anything like this ever been recorded to happen? What’s your progress on this error and maybe what causes it. I would like to know ASAP as I cannot update my game or play anything. It’s troubling as I’m losing money every day.

Is it possible to try loading up ROBLOX on a different internet source?

There is a way to bypass from what I’ve read, it’s using the task manager to bring the ROBLOX game window to the front, and just to ignore the 0x1 error.

I’ve tried loading it up on quite a bit different networks. All had the same result.

I’m using the bypass for games, but still cannot update and it is getting on my nerves.

Anyone here?

Just a thought, but were you banned on an account you’ve used on that computer?

Yes. I was permanetly banned once but I managed to get it back. I’m starting to suspect it’s a covered up IP ban of sorts. :dry:

Exactly what I’ve thought.

A friend of mine was terminated and got exactly the same code whenever he tried to join a game, too.

Exactly what I’ve thought.

A friend of mine was terminated and got exactly the same code whenever he tried to join a game, too.[/quote]

I wonder why ROBLOX still sends that BS email when I asked about it. They said it had to do with my configuration. I demand an answer and possibly a solution, ROBLOX!

You’ve been hellbanned.

What was the username on the banned account?

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[quote] You’ve been hellbanned.

What was the username on the banned account? [/quote]
Jesus, thanks Shed you’re a lifesaver. I didn’t even know hellbanned was a thing, lol.

It used to be nise45, now it’s Elysine.

Why does your email support say it’s my fault?

Believe or not the support can only help you correctly if they know all of the details. It’s difficult to figure out an issue like this. I assume that error would be similar to a 403 webserver error. There are several reasons why /you/ individually might receive it and they can only make the most general assumption that it’s a problem on your end.

I think you missed Shedletsky’s post. Take a look at that first!

Shedletsky likely came to that assumption based on the content of this thread. I assure you this would be on the list of possible reasons, but it took a bit of research to find out what was causing this error for you.

I used to get this error all the time, it turned out that without specific drivers for my dual-core processor the game servers didn’t let me access them. I have no idea how or why that was the case, but it took shedletsky, myself and the support team with the aid of the engineers to figure it out.