This error has been around for quite some time, and I’ve never found a fix for it. Now that RBXDev is up I might finally be able to get an answer to this question.
Every time I join a game a dialog pops up saying “Roblox cannot start up. User code = 0x1”. If I click OK the game exits, and if I try to close it same result. This also seems to prevent me from uploading any model or place.
I’ve had this for a couple of months and I’ve had to move to a old laptop to actually upload the place. Help me!
I’m running Windows 7 with an Intel Core i5-2430M. Installed RAM is 8 gigabytes. My graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M.
Now I have a couple questions. Has anything like this ever been recorded to happen? What’s your progress on this error and maybe what causes it. I would like to know ASAP as I cannot update my game or play anything. It’s troubling as I’m losing money every day.
There is a way to bypass from what I’ve read, it’s using the task manager to bring the ROBLOX game window to the front, and just to ignore the 0x1 error.
A friend of mine was terminated and got exactly the same code whenever he tried to join a game, too.[/quote]
I wonder why ROBLOX still sends that BS email when I asked about it. They said it had to do with my configuration. I demand an answer and possibly a solution, ROBLOX!
Believe or not the support can only help you correctly if they know all of the details. It’s difficult to figure out an issue like this. I assume that error would be similar to a 403 webserver error. There are several reasons why /you/ individually might receive it and they can only make the most general assumption that it’s a problem on your end.
Shedletsky likely came to that assumption based on the content of this thread. I assure you this would be on the list of possible reasons, but it took a bit of research to find out what was causing this error for you.
I used to get this error all the time, it turned out that without specific drivers for my dual-core processor the game servers didn’t let me access them. I have no idea how or why that was the case, but it took shedletsky, myself and the support team with the aid of the engineers to figure it out.