Roblox Client Randomly Freezing Without Prior Lag or Warning

For a while now, players have been reporting randomly freezing in game then a few seconds/minutes layer the client completely closing. There’s no lag before this happens, and while they’re frozen they can still hear other players chat on VC. We’ve went through rebuilds, rewrites, but nothing is working. We’ve got in contact with other developers and nothing. I personally never crash, but a lot of players who play other games perfectly fine do.

Game Link: [UPDATE] Flawn Salon - Roblox

OS: Windows 11
CPU: Intel Core i7-10750H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti
Ram: 24GB

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Update: Was searching more through the bug reports. This is the exact issue our players are having, see Roblox silently loses connection without notice or rejoin option - #85 by luxTypes seeing this report was originally open in July of 2023, the chances of this getting fixed is slim to none… If any staff could look into this that would be great.

If you’ve actually read the post, you’ll see staff are looking into this:

Follow engineer instructions in that thread. As you’ve mentioned, this report is a duplicate.