Roblox silently loses connection without notice or rejoin option

this gives me flashbacks of when i used to be idle and being kicked on my xbox (2020), but because it used the old ui, i could freely move until i jumped or fell off anything. This is just that.


im pretty sure its meant to not appear in studio because of multiple reasons.

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I am getting sick and tired of dealing with this on a daily basis as I had been getting this exact same issue on this exact same daily basis for the past month now. It sometimes happens infrequently and sometimes, it happens so frequently that the player client is straight up unusable. This also happens on many different player clients (from the website, the Microsoft Store, etc.) and I fear that this issue might not just be exclusive to computers but also mobile devices.

A theme I find with every time I get this exact bug is when the player client seems to randomly receive a spike of data (20-800 KB worth of data a second depending on the game you play) and I also fear that these network receive spikes might be a contributor to why this bug is happening.

Example of a Network (Receive) spike that can happen in any Roblox game.

I had tried many different things to minimize the issue (reinstalling roblox, reconnecting to the internet, restarting my modem, etc.) only for the same issue to keep happening over and over again. I do not lose my internet when I get this bug, I am very sure I have a solid internet connection and I know it surely isn’t my PCIe Adapter as my laptop is only a year and a half old meaning that this is almost certainly not an issue on my end.

This makes Roblox look pretty bad because if their product doesn’t even work properly, why should people use it? I seriously hope that this gets fixed soon because it is a very serious issue that could drive people away from the platform and I know that Roblox does NOT want us to consider using another game engine.


Hi! Thank you for the report and for the details in this thread. We are looking into this issue.

Have you noticed any patterns / tips that we could use to increase our chances of reproducing the bug?

Could you please DM me your local client logs from times that you ran into this issue?

Thank you!


Hey guys - sorry about the issue, we’re actively investigating it. It could be very useful for our investigation if you guys could DM me your logs when this happens. It would also be very useful if you guys could post reliable repro steps (it has been difficult to observe this issue on our end).


been getting this issue over the past 2 months, hope it can be fixed since it’s extremely annoying.
i’ve also noticed (though this may be unrelated) that this silent disconnection only happens in larger servers, but hasn’t happened to me in servers smaller than 5-6 players.

if i need to dm client logs to an admin here, let me know since idk if anyone has already dmmed.


Friends and I have been affected by this “silent” disconnection, or “ping freeze” as well. I’d say for over a year.

– Description of my case:

  • This ONLY happens in Roblox.

  • There is no way for the average user to know when it’s going to happen.

  • I have no experienced this issue with other devices (PCs, Mobile, Tablets) under the same routers.

  • Ping freezes entirely.

  • Halt of replication. All players, workspace, everything has stopped.

  • You can still hear players voice chatting in real-time.

  • You can still speak with them in real-time.

  • You can still move and perform Localscript actions only.

  • If you wait long enough (2-3 minutes for me), the client returns to normal. Sometimes the client just finally disconnects instead.

The player does not disconnect - meaning, the server must be receiving a flow of data of some form that keeps the client in the server, yet the client remains frozen for minutes, out of sync. This is inconvenient, imagine you are playing a fast/turn/time based game, you freeze, then after minutes pass, you see yourself not just already dead but you have no idea what happened. This isn’t good news, it contributes to a drop of players in your platform, specially bad for games where you truly lose everything.

– What has been done to solve it and failed:

  • Changing MTU size.
  • VPN has been known to not fix it for some people.
  • Changing IP.
  • Flushing DNS.
  • Restarting or changing router.

– How to potentially replicate the issue:

  • Dirty, Poor, Slow Wifi Signal

  • Bad and Old Ethernet Cable

– What it looks like from another client’s point of view:

  • Character is still in place, no physics. Capable of floating mid-air. The last animation they played stays on loop.

  • When other players approach and push the frozen client’s Character, the Character falls over in their screen.

  • The server still affects the Character, can teleport or swing them around.

– My Setup:

MSI MAG B550 Tomahawk
12-core AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT
Corsair 32GB 3200mhz DDR4 RAM
Fiber Connection of almost a gigabit, on an old Cat5 ethernet cable, giving me 100mbps.
MTU 1396


Thank you for the detailed report! Could you elaborate on this:

You can still speak with them in real-time.

Do you mean that you can still use voice chat with them, or that you can use the in-game text chat with them?

Are the other players in the server able to see your character move, or see you chat, while this is going on?


taken ingame just a minute ago, ping freezes an overall on the left begins slowly trickling down to 0.00 where it stays, after about 20-30 seconds it properly disconnects with the “check internet connection” message, hope this helps.


having instances today where i disconnect within minutes or <10 minutes, it has ramped up since yesterday, could this be due to something being down?


i think they’re referring to the ingame voice chat. you cannot use the ingame text chat when this bug is happening, and i do not believe others can see your character move


Thank you for the detailed report!

I appreciate your time looking into this, I’m positive we are getting closer to answers in order to implement a fix.

Could you elaborate on this: “You can still speak with them in real-time.”

When this Replication Halt / “Silent Disconnection” / “Ping Freeze” phenomenon (described by me and potentially others in this thread) occurs, I can still hear others speak through in-game voice chat feature, and my friends notice I’ve “frozen”, I’ve described in my report what that looks like, and they can hear me speak through the mic to them, as well.

Do you mean that you can still use voice chat with them, or that you can use the in-game text chat with them?

The in-game text chat is affected by this phenomenon and I cannot send nor receive in-game text messages.
I can still use in-game voice chat.

I will provide a video demonstration soon!


Interesting, thanks!

Yeah, this has been a pretty confusing issue to wrap our heads around. We’re starting to wonder if there are multiple problems going on here. This seems a little different from earlier reports that:

  • Client does not get physics/chats/events from Server
  • Other clients can see physics/chats from the Client whose Replication appears halted

because there, it seems like Server → (single) Client communication has broken down, whereas in your case, it appears that Server <–> Client has broken down.

We’re going to try making some changes and continue investigating, but please keep the information coming! We’re still working to fully understand what’s going on here.


I agree this is very strange, hopefully a video of mine coming soon and the following will help.

I’ve done research to help you connect the dots and make more sense of what’s going on.

I will provide you previous reports.

  • Example: In Zlib’s case (CLOSED, 2019) (see his gyazo gifs), it’d always happen the second after his client joined…

  • But for me and people I know personally, it happens randomly as we play. It can happen after minutes of playing or hour(s).

  • In my situation, if I wait long enough it all returns back to normal most of the time after a few minutes of being in a state of “Ping Freeze”, and I can still hear/use in-game voice chat during it.

– More relevant threads and sources describing this problem


Here is a video of the issue:
It happens to me everytime, like each 5-20 minutes.


Thank you for the video! Do you find that it’s easy to reproduce your issue on this game? If so, would you mind sharing a link to the game?

Would you mind also showing me what some of the other Network stats read? You can access them via Command + Shift + fn + F3 (mac) or Control + Shift + F3 (windows), and cycle through them via Shift + 1. (List of undocumented Roblox game client menus and their keybinds).

Sorry, we’re still having a lot of trouble reproducing the issue on our end :confused:

Update: We have a potential repro + fix we’re testing, but no guarantee that this is the same/only issue you all are seeing. More information could still be really useful!


a game that i’ve found that this happens a lot in is grass cutting incremental, although i’m not sure if it’ll happen to you because it may require further progress and access to more advanced systems. there is sadly nothing i have found that triggers it though. i have just been casually playing and disconnecting

same with arcane odyssey. i think entering combat with npcs with more advanced ai in this game might cause it, but i am unsure. this issue i have also primarily noticed in its endgame dark sea area, but both of these aren’t easily accessible so it may not be much help


Interesting, and no worries, thank you for the suggestions! I’ll give these places a try anyway :slight_smile:


I have solved this issue by using this application: (by CloudFare)
When it is enabled the error seems to not occurr

What sort of application is that?

I won’t lie, the link looks a bit questionable at best, not something I would click without thinking twice.