Roblox Community Developer | Rank List & System

Roblox Community Developer | Ranking List & System

Here you will find what our ranking system and list is all about for Roblox Community Developer and what you are and can do.

Operator (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what the rank Operator is made for and what it can handle. Operator is the holder for Roblox Community Developer this account holds the group so if anything bad happens to the founder. The Operator handles everything the founder would handle.

Owners (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what the Owners is made for and what it can handle. The Owners rank is just like the Operator rank but can’t do anything to the Operator itself. The Owners rank is pretty much the founders of Roblox Community Developer so they are the ones in control of the hole community.

Co-Owners (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what the Co-Owners is made for and what they can handle. The Co-Owners rank is a co-founders rank so they are below the founders/owners. The Co-Owners are second in charge if both of the Owners are busy and can’t handle stuff the Co-Owners are there to handle it themselves.

Head of Management (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Head of Management is made for and what they can handle. The Head of Management is made to manage the other Heads such as Head Administrator and Head Moderator and they handle promotions and handles the communities management.

Management (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Management is made for and what they can handle. The Management is made to manage Administrators and Moderators in our community and they handle promotions as well as handling some of the communities management if the Head of Management needs help.

Head Administrator (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Head Administrator is made for and what they can handle. The Head Administrator is made to handle administration within our community and handles the rule breaking users within our community along with handling promotions and over sees the Interns to see if they deserve their spot on the team along with overseeing the Moderators and Administrators. They must have received permission to promote a staff member by Management Staff Member and up.

Administrator (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Administrator is made for and what they can handle. The Administrator is made to handle administrations within our community like Head Administrator and handles the rule breakers within our community as well. They must have received permission to promote a staff member by Management Staff Member and up.

Head Moderator (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Head Moderator is made for and what they handle. The Head Moderator is made to handle moderation within our community such as rule breakers scammers and copyrighted games. They are below Administrators and other ranks but they handle those to prove they deserve more power like Administrators+. They must have received permission to promote a staff member by Management Staff Member and up.

Moderator (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Moderator is made for and what they handle. The Moderator is made to handle what Head Moderator can but what they can’t do is deal with demotions, promotions, bans, kicks, blacklists without a Head Moderator+ permissions with valid proof and evidence.

RCD Marketing Team (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what RCD Marketing Team is made for and what they can handle. The RCD Marketing Team is made for helping putting Roblox Community Developer out in the Roblox Platform and other Roblox Related sites. They handle advertisements, sponsorship for Roblox Community Developer, & spreading good things about our community.

Intern (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what a Intern is made for and what they can handle. The Intern is made for proving you deserves your spot on the team as a Full Time or Part Time Staff Member on our team. Intern is a volunteer job you must prove to us by helping others being active and supporting us to be a official staff member on Roblox Community Developer.

Ex-Staff (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Ex-Staff is made for and what they can handle. The Ex-Staff is made for all our staff that has retired, fired, & ETC. This is so others know who use to be staff for us.

Developer (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Developer is made for and what they can handle. The Developer is made for those who are gaming developers on the Roblox Platform. You can apply within our group or communication server. Anyone in our group can apply for this rank.

Content Producer (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Content Producer is made for and what they can handle. The Content Producer is made for those who record or stream videos on the Roblox Platform. Anyone within our group can apply for this rank but must provide us your YouTube or Twitch channel in our Communication Server.

RCD Tester (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what RCD Tester is made for and what they can handle. The RCD Tester is made for those who tests new stuff in Roblox Community Developer Games and ETC.

RCD Noted (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what RCD Noted is made for and what they can handle. The RCD Noted is for those who are well known on the Roblox Platform or who are Contributor’s for Roblox Community Developer.

Suspended (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Suspended is made for and what they can handle. The Suspended is made for those who are staff that has been suspended for breaking a rule within our community.

RCD Member (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what RCD Member is made for and what they can handle. The RCD Member is for those who are members within our community and group. Anyone can receive this rank.

Awaiting Rank (Click to read more)

Well let’s tell you what Awaiting Rank is made for and what they can handle. The Awaiting Rank is made for those who just join our community and they must get a background check before they get ranked to RCD Member. This is to make sure they are not a blacklisted member or group owner for breaking rule’s within our community or breaking Roblox Terms of Service.

Roblox Community Developer | Community Information:
Roblox Community Developer | Community Information

Roblox Community Developer | What is RCD?
Roblox Community Developer | What is RCD?

Updated on 8/16/2019, Made by V1uk.

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