Sorry to bump this thread but this is definitely a bug. Getting 0 clicks with 1,4 million impressions is impossible. I ran a lot of ads directed to console users. I get about 1.6k clicks on average when getting 1.4 million impressions. There is no way no one would click on OP’s advertisement.
However, there is also a chance that your game actually did get visits from the ad, but the statistics are incorrect. When I ran console ads, some of them did not show clicks at all, but I still got visits from them. It’s not probably the case with your ad, but you might want to check if you actually got visits whilst running the sponsor.
I currently have the same exact issue, I spent 5,000 robux on console and there are no visits from console. I have also past experience with console sponsors and it’s just impossible to get no clicks.
Having the exact same bug, Dev Stats attributes no console players. This is a serious issue. Consoles used to be a very cost effective system and now its completely busted.
This thread is the most braindead one I’ve seen. No clicks on a 1M imps is not even close to probable even if you had a blank icon and no title. This is a real issue, and needs to be brought up the chain.
I’ve used consoles to kickstart several front page games and now we are dead in the water stuck with tablets. Does anyone know if there is some sort of direct cause? I can’t seem to tell if its acting more like a “shadow ban” on specific games or if the whole system is just glitched.
Running consoles on previous games have proven to be fully functional as usual. So it seems to be game specific to me.