Roblox Console Sponsor scammed me? [UPDATED]

That doesn’t matter much, the traffic of Roblox today is around 1.5X - 2X times smaller than last Christmas. Source:

He would have gotten more impressions today since during Christmas people usually run a ton of ads so they would have out bid him during that time

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What I am saying is not irrelevant. It is just a point I have from my experience. What @CoIorEvent and @TheRoyalFlush_Dev are saying is true. I am just trying to help.

There is no need to get angry. I understand it can be frustrating when your game is not going how you want it too, but you don’t need to take it out on others!


The focuses of those games are pretty distinct. One one hand, you have a math-based racing game, and the other is an obby, which has statistically performed exceptionally well on this platform.


I’m pretty sure sponsors are broken at the moment. I ran one 3 days ago and I haven’t gotten a single visit either.

If you look at the front page, there are a few math games. I don’t think that’s the issue.

How much Robux did you spend on the sponsor?

Apologies if you took offence. If you look at my recent posts, and analyze them, you may see what I mean.

I’m not here to judge your game and that’s not what this thread is about.
Although this is quite unusual it likely is not a bug.

Firstly, I just wouldn’t bother running sponsers. Try using natural growth and looking at using social media platforms to promote your game. Give 10k Robux to a small YouTuber to promote your game, it’s the best way.
You’re also only advertising on console. Console is a very limited audience, and although I have only played console Roblox a couple of times I assume sponsoring is even less effective on that platform.
The thumbnail is rather cartoony, and you may struggle to appeal to the selected age group. If you do want to look towards promoting a to a younger audience, get a YouTuber with a similar audience to promote it.
Another issue is that people simply ignore sponsorships and ads. They click on a sponsor, find it bad and then don’t bother again. Now that Roblox have changed it to a sort, that makes it even more difficult. You’re no longer among the most popular games with your viewercount hidden, but rather in a category that probably isn’t viewed as often as other categories and you can see that you have zero players.


30 robux


Yea, 30 robux is not going to give you any clicks, that wasn’t a bug.

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There are some of the main points I’m pushing, make sure to check them out.

Then do I just give up on developing or what? Everyone’s always saying no advertising works so do we all give up?
Edit: And by the way, look at the post above, 104 impressions and two clicks while I got 1.5k impressions and no clicks. This is definetely a bug.

Why do people claim this? Social media has a whole different algorithm, it takes a ton of time to get noticed on these platforms. Also people are paying way more than 10k to get any YouTuber to play their game. At this point you have to pick your poison when it comes to getting your game to a audience.


No, you have to use more funds to advertise or find other methods. Advertisements work fine if you do them correctly and with the right amount of funds.

Not exactly. The thing is, 30 robux isn’t worth much. 1k can get you a pretty far distance for advertising. Its not rigged, its just a little difficult to nail.

The advertisement system is based on a bidding type system. When you are up against developers throwing millions of robux into their advertisements your 30 robux won’t do anything.

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As you spent the same amount of Robux during the same amount of time on the same game, theoretically you should get like 80% more impressions on your Mobile sponsor than the console one right ?

Just because your 30 robux didn’t get you a bunch of clicks doesn’t mean it’s a bug lol. Maybe your icon was bad and no one wanted to click on it, maybe your game is targeted to people under 13, there’s so many different factors that I wouldn’t blame it on roblox lol.

When you sponsor a game (with a good icon) for 10k Robux and it still gives you no clicks, then I’ll believe you.

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Incorrect. Mobile impressions are less, due to the screen size and the layout of the games.

Also I completely revamped the first post, feel free to check it out.