Roblox Creator Experience Survey

Forget all these negative non-Americans!
Its a good day to be Patriot :us: :eagle: :sunglasses: !

In all seriousness I feel like this shouldn’t be a public survey but instead just for the top developers who actually make some money and have development experience on other platforms. I think about 80% of people who take this aren’t the target audience of getting to know more about the impact of developers who have larger studios and collaborate with others to make larger, more “successful” studios.

But I will take my chances with the free $100 so not complaining.


Oh…Of course. You’re absolutely right.


Rare ROBLOX win (Listening to the community’s concerns)


Feels wild going into this as a nonprofit developer lol.


Though really I feel like we need a few more options for developers who don’t really make/spend money (I get we’re probably not the target for this survey but it’s a “creator experience survey” so like)


A step backward for the international community!


Even if we keep the giveaway aside, I think Roblox should start considering the views of the international community a bit more seriously.
The survey seems to be dealing with the connectivity of developers with their team and the monetization distribution between profit and advertising along with asset value.
These are key points to consider in a survey and there is no way Roblox can get the right data by just examining it from one country.


Thank you much Roblox best this

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I wouldn’t call it a win if it’s just the US community

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Does Roblox have a history of only having US surveys or is this a new thing?


like most countries, they only really care about their US consumers

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i earned a whopping $249 in non-taxed robux (the equivalent of buying 249$ of robux)
tax it and dev-ex rates drop it to around $23 LOL

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RDC 2023 I want to be to join but let me roblox
Should you accept me of that about it

In addition to this:

Along with the research they’ve been conducting in the United States and given the fact that this survey was based on the amount of revenue Roblox creators are receiving in USD, it wouldn’t surprise me if Roblox made separate surveys and separate research teams for all the different parts of the world to keep the information that comes from them in line with what currency the region is using, region-specific language within the surveys to better address their questions, and generally making sure that what they ask is carefully constructed to respect the cultures that they will come across.

My best guess is that they want to get the basics down with the US surveys first because their headquarters are in the US and they want to see what they are doing correctly and what they are doing incorrectly before they bring it to the broader audience.


i saw this and i thought, “wow it looks like roblox is actually trying to care and gather feedback from developers all around”. Then I saw that, and now i give up.

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Why is everyone ignoring this? They’re going to add more areas for surveying?


Because those people are airheads, who spend 1 microsecond scanning a wall of text and then immediately get their pants in a knot and start typing without thinking.
they get emotional and then feel the need to add an off-topic comment about it, what’s funny is after roblox said

we got all of this \ /

and this word salad:

Edit: two posts below me do the exact same thing :/.

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100% agree with this statement

“do you reside in the US” “No” “Thank you for taking this survey” is my survey experience, thanks lol


Just because Roblox came out with a response to all the backlash doesn’t mean people arn’t going to be annoyed. I read the post you quoted from Roblox before I posted my response and your opinion on our responses has not changed my view. Roblox may say they will be coming out with a survey for international devs soon but maybe they should have clarified this in the intial post they made in the topic. Roblox only came out with this response after they had been hit with a wall of backlash. It is clear Roblox is still prioritising US devs.