Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

Anyways, if this challenge consists out of promoting, and advertising, I’ll post my game link here too. Why? Because it’s in the middle and I have forgot to put thumbnail…

Gnome rules!

During given 2 days, @GamEditoPro got inspired and did not simple at all game where all you need is simply hardly win. Only you can move on the map, only you can win. But what considered as YOU? Game will tell, that you is ANYTHING! Just match some words together and get full control over any objects you want! You can be gnome, box, wall, or even w a t e r!
But, how to win? It’s not easy task at all! You need get to the object which has sparkles. And it will be good, if you won’t be defeated, drown, melted or turned into anything that’s not you. Yes-yes, you can win only if you are alive, if this applies to you. (It will)

Game will offer you firstly easy tasks, like pushing objects, but there’s trick: RuLeS aRe AlWaYs ChAnGe! You push crate, and then you push lava! Anything possible!

But, I don’t want to spoiler entire 5 levels, try it yourself, and find your own way to win the game!

And seriously, be carefull with YOU, it may ruin your entire level. Same for WIN. Good luck, guy!

(One of the levels, hard one)

Also, please, give me a vote, I’ll very appreciate it! I worked really hard on game solo during that 2 days…


This was myself and @redredstone01 's attempt at making a game that seemed to be reasonable but became unexpected as you have to bend past the rules of reality (such as gravity) to pass levels. It’s got a few bugs here and there (rejoin to do another level after finishing one) :triumph:

Would be great if people could vote - it’s our best attempt at something ‘different’ I suppose

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Hey @Gu4rana,
Sorry for this notification, but I can’t find my game in the topic. I have scrolled through the whole thing and also searched for the placeId. Can you help me?


Our game seems to not be included in the topic? I am able to find other games by their placeId.
Please help us with this!


NOOOOOO I must have entered my main account (with wrong date of birth) in the survey on accident… :sob:

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Yeepee the game I got scammed for may be voted. Thanks for not taking any action.

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This is creation of me @CryBlanka, @kolo341 and @kolos348. The game is built in Roblox classic a-like style involving certain unexpected events while the main protagonist was asleep.

The game: Echoes of Dreams - Roblox

Make sure to vote for us!


Short story game with 5 endings


Good luck everyone…
I must have entered my main account (with wrong date of birth and therefore no permission to register on the devforum) in the survey on accident… :sob:
Wish us luck. I hope we can resolve this issue with the admins…

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Advertising seems to be encouraged, so here I go! This is our game Kat’s Café, and you are a kitty critter who wants to deliver your care packages to your lovely neighbours! Too bad their houses explode after, and the game is actually incomplete so you can’t even see why it’s happening… I hope you’ll get the unexpected vision though! Made with love by a team of 5 including me. Mrrp mrrp meow.


If anyone has played Pandora’s Box and enjoyed it, please vote for it on the Voting topic! Search for “Pandora” in the topic! It’s displays contemporary artwork, Renaissance artwork, and Impressionist/Post-Impressionist artwork, and explores the myth of Pandora’s Box and Greek mythology.

Vote here:

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Excuse me, Gu4rana. It may be a lot to ask, but could I kindly request that you include a message with the link to my game when you send it? I’ve noticed that upon first joining, players need to rejoin for it to work properly. Unfortunately, I’m unable to fix this mistake or provide a hint for others to rejoin, otherwise they’ll spawn in the void without understanding why.

(I intended to send you a private message, but it seems I’m unable to do so. Therefore, I hope you come across this message and take some time to consider it.)

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Created by me, @MysticalRodent, and @Sinch_Comb. It’s the house from everyone’s favorite classic TV show, Bean Acres! All visits/votes are appreciated on this rock bottom top tier quality game!

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Since advertising seems to be encouraged, here’s my team’s game.

It isn’t as complete as we would like it, but we’d appreciate if you check it out (or at least put a like on its reply.)
Good luck to everyone who’s participating!

P.S. if you actually want to try it out (I doubt you do) don’t hold the flashlight when touching the doors and keys. It breaks the game, and i was too late to find the cause of the issue so we couldn’t put it in the description.


Is advertising encouraged? My game is an example of scripting solo, but getting visuals and audios from Roblox resources, I recommend it if you want to work solo.
Stargate Adventure - Roblox

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Well uhmm this was an indie game and I worked on it for a day. It would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out and also don’t forget to drop a like on the post.

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Oh no! You had a great game too!


We made a game called “Going Home”

Hi, I’m stack3dBlocks and this is my game that I submitted, if want to you can vote for it.

Yeah, we had high hopes on our game. :sob: Unexpected Worlds - Roblox

Good Luck Everyone


Right now it is extremely hard to win as there’s one post with 25 likes (the 2nd highest has 12 currently) and 80% of the voters of the current winners’ post joined the Devforum very recently and some accounts look like alts which is extremely disappointing considering there’s not much we can do to raise awareness of our game. It’s also annoying that there are 400+ games on the thread instead of the top 10, 20 etc like previous years as it’s unlikely anyone voting will check out many different games.


Find “Unexpected Developments” occurring around the world!
and get to the end for an “Unexpected Development”! You’ll see what i mean…

Here’s our little 5-minute story for this jam! We put so much effort into making everything perfect, we really hope you enjoy! Feel free to drop a like at the link below, you can vote more than once!

:warning: Please read description for bugs before playing

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