Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

Here is our game!
Every round, there are 3 random unexpected twists!

If you enjoyed, feel free to like!


I may not deserve to win the choice voting but these two games do.


reminder that this is all just for a thousand bucks, which could be used on an actual small developer.
instead we get people having a petty fit about pocket change (considering they have the following to actually have an earning game)


Oh and blaming the category itself after doing this just makes you a hyppocrite, if you advertised your vote link to communities with thousands of members with the status you have you knew what you were doing

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I think this will describe situation at best:

Nobody exept some community cares about this situation.

Does someone expected people voting to be fair?

Reposting this “advertisiment”, so I’ll at lest get some attention to my game. It’s more important to me than win.

Gnome rules!

During given 2 days, @GamEditoPro got inspired and did not simple at all game where all you need is simply hardly win. Only you can move on the map, only you can win. But what considered as YOU? Game will tell, that you is ANYTHING! Just match some words together and get full control over any objects you want! You can be gnome, box, wall, or even w a t e r!
But, how to win? It’s not easy task at all! You need get to the object which has sparkles. And it will be good, if you won’t be defeated, drown, melted or turned into anything that’s not you. Yes-yes, you can win only if you are alive, if this applies to you. (It will)

Game will offer you firstly easy tasks, like pushing objects, but there’s trick: RuLeS aRe AlWaYs ChAnGe! You push crate, and then you push lava! Anything possible!

But, I don’t want to spoiler entire 5 levels, try it yourself, and find your own way to win the game!

And seriously, be carefull with YOU, it may ruin your entire level. Same for WIN. Good luck, guy!

(One of the levels, hard one)

It's your choice to give me your vote, but >>>what's point<<< of community choice votes now if most people have no big advertising possiblities?


By the way, no one is blaming you, we’re just disappointed (as you are) that this was a category in the first place. In some ways, it’s kind of good you’ve done what you’ve done to raise awareness of how unfair this category is.

Edit: Furthermore, the $1000 prize per teammate for this category is also incredibly controversial in this topic as the $1000 won’t go to some small developer, but instead to someone with a large following on other platforms who is probably more well off than the rest of us.

advertising again cus I hope we get a huge amount of players since we disqualified

The game is not fully completed and the story not that’s good but if we get enough likes we probably make it into a full game a worthfull item be stolen in the Mall of Asia you need to chase the Rober but on your way Unexpected things will be happening you travel trough diverent country’s

We probably will add valeuta with what you need to buy things what you earn trough the story and you can buy extra things if you travel it automatically converted to the valeuta of that country

We disqualified from this game jam cuz we acadently added frong non forum/helped members we appreciate it if you play us hard work and like

Previous game jam we made this game now playable for group members only soon only for testers bevat testers Tell us on the group wall for a change we hope to fully release the game this summer


It’s not about the money or the winning but it’s about the fun we had doing it.


Had fun with my team developing this 2 player puzzle with wire mechanics.
Played quite a few other entries and the competition is fierce, everyone put in so much work and you can tell.
Good job and good luck everyone!


I wish the voting would just end early since it pretty much is already decided who won it since no one else here really has even close to the reach to rival place 1 ( place 1 has 320 and 2 has 135 ) so waiting longer wont change anything… unless the time between is also used for the other things.

Honestly was just a disappointing category :confused:


As always: intentions are good, implementation bad.


Hello @Gu4rana,
I have submitted an experience my team made, “Galo” (Galo - Roblox). Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find it in the list for People’s Choice Category. Has it been disqualified for any particular reason?
Additionally, on the day of submission, I have posted a link to our game as a reply to this thread (Roblox Developer Challenge 2024 - #758 by typon1). The survey was submitted within the stated time frame and the experience was not updated after the deadline.
Please elaborate on this situation. Thank you.


Hey creators,

Thank you for forwarding your concerns regarding the People’s Choice Category.

Our community’s feedback is invaluable as we aim to improve our challenges and events for our creator community. Please fill out the satisfaction survey accompanying the winner’s announcement later this month as our community’s input will play a crucial role in shaping future challenges and ensuring they align with your expectations and needs.

Please rest assured that our team meticulously evaluates each submission, adhering closely to the judging criteria and challenge structure as announced.
Your voices matter to us, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment where community input is central to our decision-making process.

Developer Engagement Team


watch them do a 180 and just invalidate all votes by accounts made during the vote week. it’ll never happen but that would be hilarious


Thank you to everybody who gave my game great support! It was so fun to see what else you guys came up with, and some of the games I will be supporting are:

The Seeker (Definitely the best game on here, super clever and VERY unexpected… Haven’t actually finished)
Game WIP
Adventures of Mr. Newton
Greasys Diner
On The Clock
Office Oddities
Community Guidelines

Also here’s some honorable mentions that made me laugh:
War of Sendwich
Unexpected Cola

You can find my game here:
I was really going for something very visually appalling and not your usual spick and span lighting, I’m really happy how it turned out. I think the puzzles are decently creative as well…


I don’t like the “people’s choice” category. You should bring back the best video pitch category next time. Whoever has the most Twitter clout basically wins which is extremely unfair. I’m not even salty because we’re losing, it’s just not fun for anybody but people with thousands of followers.


I second this. It also creates more imbalance when those users with already large fanbases bribe their fans with things like giveaways of Robux or UGC. In those fanbases in such cases, nobody will be voting because they like the game; but instead will vote for the chance of some monetary gain.


Only people who do the game jam should be able to vote


tale of tim!

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