Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

watch them do a 180 and just invalidate all votes by accounts made during the vote week. it’ll never happen but that would be hilarious


Thank you to everybody who gave my game great support! It was so fun to see what else you guys came up with, and some of the games I will be supporting are:

The Seeker (Definitely the best game on here, super clever and VERY unexpected… Haven’t actually finished)
Game WIP
Adventures of Mr. Newton
Greasys Diner
On The Clock
Office Oddities
Community Guidelines

Also here’s some honorable mentions that made me laugh:
War of Sendwich
Unexpected Cola

You can find my game here:
I was really going for something very visually appalling and not your usual spick and span lighting, I’m really happy how it turned out. I think the puzzles are decently creative as well…


I don’t like the “people’s choice” category. You should bring back the best video pitch category next time. Whoever has the most Twitter clout basically wins which is extremely unfair. I’m not even salty because we’re losing, it’s just not fun for anybody but people with thousands of followers.


I second this. It also creates more imbalance when those users with already large fanbases bribe their fans with things like giveaways of Robux or UGC. In those fanbases in such cases, nobody will be voting because they like the game; but instead will vote for the chance of some monetary gain.


Only people who do the game jam should be able to vote


tale of tim!

1 Like

This is the game that we made, if you like it please vote for us with a like in the post, thanks :smiley:

I think it should be noted one of the entries is CHEATING by bribing people in their Discord server to vote for them, they had around 100 votes before doing this, and now they are at 450+ votes. Basically, they are bribing people with a 2.5k Robux giveaway so that they vote for them:

They seriously need to be disqualified for this. (even one of their Discord devs/mods called them out for it)


I made a post with in #development-discussion as well if you wanna continue talking about this.


Man at this point im not even sure anymore if any of the top ranks are where they are on a fair way, this vote is completely flawed to the core and its really impossible to know who even deserves the prize anymore

Be it someone with a ton of followers on multiple platforms, someone waving around cash for votes or just a legit player… we cant check everything


There’s possiblities that other games will follow this “trend” to get votes…

In my opinion, people’s choice category should be cancelled, until judges will get with better implementation and rules idea…

Why they not pinned that category like banner on “Latest” category? This will allow more people to see it, and vote… But still, voting is rigged now, and has no further purpoice.

Came here to post this here so others are also aware of another game rigging the vote via cash prize

Important update to this Situation: They took it down and talked a bit more about it so no big issue


I would like to add that it seems like ALL people on the top have some popular group,discord,twitter, smth diff or all of them

Some are devs in a popular game, some have a account that translates official tweets by roblox and others have a popular vtuber on their team

i dont intend to shoot against individuals nor am i mad at them for it (unless you actively rig it in the worst way) but just wanna show that this is just proof that we all never had a chance to begin with

Oh and i would like to apologize to the current previous (it seems like the people who did a giveaway connected to the vote (Achievement train) are currently place 1 (undeserved) ) first place for saying only they had their rank cause of popularity since thats not true as it seems

It doesnt mean everyone on the top did it tho and doesnt mean that you’re instantly a bad person cause you shared your link on your discord server or somewhere else like others

All in all its just a big mess this year


Reposting this at third time. I don’t see purpoice to do this exept wanting to get real people’s attention with it and true feedback…

Gnome rules!

Yes, I’ll change this text aswell.

Gnome rules - is a game about something important. It’s about RULES.
A lot of times you do or not do some things, because some rule said you that you should do something, or not do it.

This game shows power of rules - they can help you win game, or move it to dead end. Everything is possible if there’s rule for it.

With “People choice” category, you can see what occurs, if there not good enough rules declared. Game may show you the same.

I won’t keep voting link now. No purpoice for it. Just play game: Gnome rules

(One of the levels, hard one)

I used to type there something related to voting. What I will type now?


Like this post if “People’s Choice” should be cancelled this year.


Not cancelled, but rather changed and adjusted to make it actually fair. For example, someone had an idea of allowing only devforum users to vote for the games. After all, I think that the community should decide which way the contest should be hosted. It’s importnat to make the challenge’s experience more enjoyable for everyone


I present to you all: person number 3 trying to rig it via giveaway

This is just sad at this point


Then, my ideas are (some may be unrealistic):

  1. Separate site, on which all games will have screen of game itself. Or repaint game sumbnail to any blank color, like pink, red, yellow. - will make it more fair to people who not made thumbnails bc this will catch some eyes.
  2. Games will be placed in 5 width Y height grid, all equal size.
  3. Every 5-10 minutes all games positions reshuffle to show all games and not just first 30.
  4. Like amount is NOT visible to anyone besides judges and voter himself.
  5. Join random game button.
  6. Link to that site will be pinned on devforum.
  7. Only devforum people should be able to vote.
  8. Dev forum accounts should be at least 2 weeks old.

That’s all ideas I have for now.


guys i will be giving away FIVE (5) robux to people who like the game Penthouse :+1:


I like your game, you give me 5 robux, I dislike your game. Okay?