Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

Alright, I submitted my game, gl everyone! :heart:


Yes, any pre-made asset needs to be listed.


Here’s a link to my teams game hope you all enjoy!

Just submitted! Good luck to everyone participating in this challenge!

Just submitted my thing! Hope the reviewers will enjoy it :smiley:
See how it is :smiley:


This was so stressful, I can finally submit my game.

Our games are not too different in terms of gameplay, despite this very wide ranging topic!
Good luck to all of you!


Just finished submitting my game with @trtman33 @TmsDevv @Ty_Scripts and @eMisakie!

It has been a pleasure being able to work with my teammates and despite the difficult theme, I think we navigated this better than any previous game jam!

In our game, we decided to set it in various modules of a space station. The player is signed under a contract to work in the space station to solve unexpected developments during station refurbishment. Survive 5 minutes without having 3 issues active at once to win. Lose and your contract will be terminated (as well as you). Good luck!


how many hours till the end???

Just submitted my team’s game with @DiamondEpsilon and @ChippyOS! Enjoy :happy3:


This game was really fun to make with my really nice teammates. :slightly_smiling_face: It really tested my skills and helped me practice new things such as Blender.

I really enjoyed this development experience, and connecting with these extremely talented and friendly developers. :face_holding_back_tears:

(I kinda wish we could have added View Bobbing lol)

~ trtman33
(On ConnectX Studios Team)

NO NO NO NO! My game isnt finished, we might have to remove some features. Ruh Roh

About one hour and 10 minutes.

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why is everyone already submitting isnt there an hour left?

Yeah this has my vote :100:

I wouldn’t be surprised if DevForum crashes soon.

Plus getting it done early gets it out of the way.

The project you did with my friend @Errieli , test it and we accept feedback

(1) Monótono [Developer Challenge 2024] - Roblox

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That’s pretty funny, what can we say though, great minds think alike!

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Tried keeping game style simple while also giving bit of choice to the player. Made idea with my polish friend(@ShockyTheShiba ) at midnight it was chaotic but found it very fun to make!(we laughed over same pun way too many times)

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Me and my team have finished our game!!

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